Fluxfiber Conduit

Focus (wand), paragon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

A plaited bundle of enchanted fluxsilk thread runs through the core of this feyberry wand. The wild magic contained in the wand makes it a potent, but dangerous tool. It was created deep in the Feywild by an Archfey wizard who desired a weapon beyond all others. Instead of inspiring awe, the wand brought jealousy and foes who coveted this weapon. It passed from hand to hand by murder, deceit and coercion until it was hidden to stop the cycle of bloodshed.


  • You gain a +1 bonus to spell attacks while holding this wand.
  • You can cast Chaos Bolt at will.
  • When you cast a cantrip or Chaos Bolt through this wand, your damage dice explode (as long as you roll the maximum number on any of the dice, you get to roll it again and add it to the total).


  • The wand's bonus to spell attacks increases to +2.
  • You can cast Chaos Bolt at 2nd level at will.
  • Your spell attacks deal a critical hit on a 19.


  • The wand's bonus to spell attacks increases to +3, and your spell save DC increases by 1.
  • You can cast Chaos Bolt at 3rd level at will.
  • All your dice explode when rolling damage from spells cast through this wand.