
Focus (instrument), paragon (requires attunement by a Bard)

This lyre was made by Tellman Gallaeth (gallaeth, lit 'Quick-song'), a legendary eladrin bard whose ballads are still played to this day by minstrels. He constructed this instrument himself, using a frame of living silver-oak and strings of fine-spun windsilk fibers. The triple-strung lyre is far harder to play than usual lyres, but the sound is fuller and more resonant. To get the most out of this instrument, specific techniques must be learned and mastered.

Tellman named the lyre Mirabelle in honor of his human wife after she died. Tellman lived for another 111 years and never remarried. It is said he spent his final decades playing mournful dirges for the plants and trees in the garden that he and Mirabelle had tended to, and eventually the plants learned to understand him and started to sing along.


  • The instrument has 6 charges, and it regains 1d4+2 charges each dawn. You can spend charges to cast the following spells using the lyre: Druidcraft (at will), Spike Growth (2 charges), Speak with Plants (3 charges), Divination (4 charges).
  • You can spend 2 charges when you use Cutting Words to grant disadvantage on the target's next saving throw.


  • The number of charges increases to 10 (1d6+4 regained each dawn). The following spells can also be cast: Plant Growth (3 charges), Summon Fey (4 charges, at 4th-level, summons ghostly echo of Tellman), Wrath of Nature (5 charges)
  • When you roll a 9 or lower on a Performance check or an Intelligence ability check you are proficient with, you can spend 2 charges to treat the roll as a 10.


  • Your mastery of Tellman's music spills over to your other pursuits, increasing your proficiency bonus by 1.
  • The number of charges increases to 15 (1d10+5 regained each dawn). The following spells can also be cast: Grasping Vine (4 charges), Commune with Nature (5 charges), Transport via Plants (6 charges)

First upgrade is from finding and studying Tellman's treatise of sheet music. Takes 100 hours of practice to learn the new songs (like manuals).

Last step involves going to the afterlife and reuniting Tellman and Mirabelle. Full Euridice in the underworld deal? Summon Fey to talk to Tellman and get the quest.