House Gallaeth


House Gallaeth

In Search of Beauty

House Gallaeth ('Quicksong') trace their lineage to eladrin nobles from the Feywild. They are the only eladrin house that is part of the High Nobility, although their eladrin blood have thinned out in later generations.

Family members

Tenelwen Gallaeth

(high elf, NG, 279): The head of House Gallaeth. She is an aging elf, who nevertheless remains active in the Iacarisi high society.

Aenivar Gallaeth

(eladrin, CG, 112): Son of Tenelwen from her second marriage. One of the most skilled bards in Iacaris. Regularly performs for Queen Caerynna when she hosts guests in her palace. Married to Arwyn Hathabrin, a lowborn Huntsman in the Wardens.


Tellman Gallaeth

(eladrin, CG, 910-1189): Legendary bard whose ballads are still among the repertoire of elven minstrels. He invented and mastered the triple-strung lyre, a notoriously difficult instrument. Tellman married Mirabelle, a human singer he met while touring, and the beauty of their joint performances are said to have rivaled the gods.

After Mirabelle died in 1078, Tellman became reclusive and took to singing in the garden that he and Mirabelle had tended together. Eventually, the plants started to sing along, giving Tellman a sliver of comfort.

While Tellman is the most famous member of his house, his direct line ended, since all his children were half-elven.