Sacrificial Hilt

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

A hilt with no blade attached. It is quite ornate, but missing a large gem as its pommel. Combined with the right materials, it might be possible to give it a new blade.

While attuned to this item, you have resistance to Necrotic damage.

Combining the Sacrificial Hilt and its pommel stone with pieces of Poisonwood (amount depends on the type of blade) reforges the blade. This either requires proficiency with either Smith's Tools or Woodcarver's Tools or a helpful blacksmith and 24 hours of work.

# Poisonwood Weapon Type
1Dagger, Sickle
2Shortsword, Scimitar
3Longsword, Rapier
4Greatsword, Double Bladed Scimitar