Way of the Four Elements

"You are not doing it right. Again!" They had been at it for hours, and despite being throughly cold and exhausted, the elf steeled himself and adopted a fighting stance. His master struck high, giving him an opening for a low kick. As his leg extended, he realized his mistake - his master would never have given him an opening this good. The elf looked up just in time to see a rock-hard fist approach his sternum. When the air returned to his lungs, he had skidded several feet back along the snowy ground. "You need to focus. Again!"

With a swirl, the halfling extended his hands and fire leapt forth from his palms, engulfing the two goblins. Using this moment of panic in his opponents to his favor, he finished one goblin off with a single kick to the abdomen before retreating back behind his allies, untouched.

The Way of the Four Elements, Redux

This is a redux version of the severely underperforming PHB subclass, which certainly has flavor but entirely lacks the mechanics to back it up.

This version aims to bring its power level up significantly and make it a more unified package, while retaining the flavor.

Elemental monks tap into the energies that all things are made of, in order to bend them to their will and enhance their martial arts. Through meditation and disciplined study along rigorous physical exercise and an ascetic lifestyle, they learn more and stronger techniques. These techniques are usually taught in close master-student relationships, and a master rarely has more than one or two adepts at the same time.

Primordial Strikes

3rd-level Way of the Four Elements feature

Your unarmed strikes become infused with elemental energy. Choose one of the following benefits:

  • Fire Snake Technique: Once per turn when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you deal extra fire damage equal to your Martial Arts die, and you learn the Control Flames cantrip.
  • Calm Water Stance: You can use Wisdom instead of Dexterity for your unarmed attacks, and you learn the Shape Water cantrip.
  • Fist of Hard Earth: Once per turn, when you hit an enemy that isn't more than one size larger than you with an unarmed strike, you can push them back 10 feet, and you learn the Mold Earth cantrip.
  • Rushing Air Strikes: Your unarmed attacks gain the Reach property and you learn the Gust cantrip.

You choose another option at levels 6, 11, and 17 in this class, gaining the effects of all your chosen benefits simultaneously.

Elemental Disciplines

3rd-level Way of the Four Elements feature

You have unlocked your inner elemental magic, and through training and meditation you can harness it to manipulate the elemental energies that permeates the world.

You have a special pool of energy called Mana. Your maximum mana equals your Monk level, and you regain all your Mana when you finish a long rest. You can spend Mana on Disciplines to cast spells, expending one Mana for every level of the spell. You can upcast spells above their base level, but not above a level equal to your proficiency bonus. You can only cast one elemental discipline that costs Mana each turn. Casting a spell that requires your Action counts as taking the Attack action.

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your elemental discipline spells, and you have transcended the need to supply material components that are not consumed, even if they have a monetary cost.

Spell Save DC = your Ki Save DC

Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

You cannot cast spells from other sources using your Mana, nor can you cast your elemental disciplines using regular spell slots if you have any.

At third level, you learn the Unleashed Elemental Strike discipline, which replicates the Chromatic Orb spell.

Every time you gain a level in this class afterwards, you choose a spell to learn from the following table. You can only choose a higher level spell once you have mastered all the lower-level techniques. For example, you cannot learn Fist of Lightning until you have learned all the novice-level disciplines. When you reach level 20 in this class, you learn the Seven-sided Strike technique, which replicates the Steel Wind Strike spell.

Spell LevelFire DisciplinesWater MantrasEarth KatasAir Techniques
Sweeping Cinder Strike:
Burning Hands
Shape the Calm River:
Create or Destroy Water
Eternal Mountain Defense:
Armor of Agathys (deals bludgeoning damage)
Descending Mist Style:
Fog Cloud
Volcano Heat Surge:
Heat Metal
Mantra of Circular Breathing:
Water Breathing
Grasping Earth Tendrils:
Fist of Lightning:
Phoenix Flame Technique:
Ashardalon's Stride
Call of the Rushing River:
Tidal Wave
Call of Nature:
Plant Growth
Ride the Wind:
Grand Master
River of Hungry Flame:
Wall of Fire
Shape the Stormy Ocean:
Control Water
Forest Master Technique:
Guardian of Nature
Mana Infused Remnant:
Summon Elemental

Elemental Defenses

6th-level Way of the Four Elements feature

Your mana does not only bolster your offense, it also enhances your defenses against the elements. When you take fire, cold, poison, acid, thunder, or lightning damage, you can use your reaction and spend 2 Mana to gain resistance to that damage type for 1 hour, including against the triggering attack. You can only have one instance of this effect active at a time.

You are also considered acclimatized to all climates, as your inner flame keeps you warm, and your inner river cools you down.

Mystical Binding

11th-level Way of the Four Elements feature

Once per turn when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, or they are hit by an attack from or fail a save against one of your elemental disciplines, you can induce an elemental surge in them by expending one Ki. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom save against your Ki save DC or be dazed by the overflowing primal energy. While the creature is dazed, creatures have advantage on attacks against them, their speed is halved, they cannot take reactions, and they can not make more than one attack on their turn. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

Master of the Elements

17th-level Way of the Four Elements feature

The mana flows effortlessly through you. When you finish a short rest and have less than half your maximum Mana, you restore Mana until you have half your maximum.