Way of the Phoenix

The mighty phoenix is the pure embodiment of fire, born among the volcanoes of the Elemental Plane of Fire to turn the world to ash and embers. Some followers of this way believe that purifying fire is the only way to rid the world of its evils, in order to let it be reborn from its smoldering remains.

Phoenix Stance

3rd-level Way of the Phoenix feature

As an action, you can spend 1 Ki point to flare up, becoming a being of fire and flame. When you activate this ability, you can make a single melee weapon attack against all creatures within your reach (this counts as taking the Attack action). For 1 minute, you also gain the following benefits:

  • Cinder Strike: The first time on each turn that you hit with a monk weapon, you deal an additional Martial Arts die of fire damage. If you deal a critical hit, you can apply Cinder Strike even if you already used it on that turn.
  • Fiery Rebirth: If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you regain hit points until you have half your maximum hit points, but Phoenix Stance fades and you cannot activate it again until you finish a short rest. This effect can only happen once per long rest.
  • You can move through spaces as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing, and you shed bright light within 15 feet, and dim light for the same radius beyond that.

Additionally, you learn the Control Flames cantrip.

Blazing Down

6th-level Way of the Phoenix feature

If you spend 2 Ki points to activate Phoenix Stance, fleeting tendrils of flame surround your body, causing attacks against you to have disadvantage. If you are hit with an attack, the flames fade. If the attack comes from a creature within 30 feet of you, the attacker takes fire damage equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die plus your Wisdom modifier. While Phoenix Stance lasts, the flames rekindle themselves at the start of your turn.

Additionally, you gain resistance to fire damage.

Wings of Flame

11th-level Way of the Phoenix feature

If you spend 3 Ki points to activate Phoenix Stance, you gain the following benefits:

  • The duration is increased to 10 minutes.
  • You sprout a pair of fiery wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your walking speed, and you do not trigger opportunity attacks when you fly out of a creature's reach.
  • Cinder Strike and Blazing Down deal an additional die of fire damage.

Avatar of Fire

17th-level Way of the Phoenix feature

If you spend 5 ki to activate Phoenix Stance, you gain the following benefits:

  • Cinder Strike also applies each time you use Stunning Strike.
  • You have resistance to all damage from attacks that trigger Blazing Down.
  • You can benefit from Fiery Rebirth once every time you activate Phoenix Stance, and you do not need to finish a short rest before you can reactivate it
  • You gain immunity to fire damage.