Oath of Secrecy

Paladins sworn to Secrecy deal with pieces of hidden knowledge. What they do with this knowledge is not certain. They might be trying to further its cause - perhaps as part of a intelligence gathering organization. Perhaps they are protecting information that is too dangerous to be widely known, locked in a hidden war with those who wish to learn what secrets they are hiding. Work with your DM to determine what your paladin is sworn to achieve or protect.

Orders of paladins sworn to this ideal are rare, and they are unlikely to be openly advertising their mission. Instead, being recruited into their ranks is usually a process of slowly gaining their trust, before being initiated and learning their true purpose.

Tenets of Secrecy

The tenets of the Oath of Secrecy vary slightly depending on the mission of that specific Order, but these tenets are shared among most orders.

No One Must Know: Success means privacy. Only our failures are public.

Thankless Duty: Expect neither gratitude from those who do not know, nor sympathy from those who do.

Everything is Permitted: A sinful act is excused if it is deemed necessary to further the cause.

Eternal Vigilance: It is impossible to know where the next threat will arise, but we will be ready to meet it.

Oath Spells

3rd-level Oath of Secrecy feature

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below.

Paladin LevelOath Spells
3rdVeil of Glamour, Comprehend Languages
5thPass Without Trace, Arcane Lock
9thMajor Image, Sending
13thGreater Invisibility, Private Sanctum
17thSeeming, Modify Memory

Channel Divinity

3rd-level Oath of Secrecy feature

You gain the following Channel Divinity options:

Bolstering Smite: As part of using Divine Smite or hitting with one of your Smite spells, you can use your Channel Divinity to gain Temporary Hit Points equal to the damage dealt by the smite.

Quick Talk: When you fail a Charisma ability check, you can use your Channel Divinity to reroll it. If the reroll does not turn the roll into a success, the Channel Divinity is not expended.

Aura of Obscurement

7th-level Oath of Secrecy feature

You have practiced moving in lighter armors, and it no longer hinders you on your mission. Creatures that benefit from your Aura of Protection no longer incur disadvantage on Stealth checks from wearing armor.

Additionally, while you wear medium armor and are not wielding a shield, the maximum Dexterity Modifier you can add to your AC equals your proficiency modifier.


15th-level Oath of Secrecy feature

You become immune to the Charmed condition, and creatures who attempt to charm you take radiant damage equal to your level in this class.

Additionally, your thoughts cannot be read by telepathy or by other means, unless you allow it. Nor can magic compel you to tell the truth, you can instead choose what such magic indicates to its caster.

Covert Operative

20th-level Oath of Secrecy feature

You can hide yourself from mortal eyes, allowing you to carry out your mission in secret. As an action, you gain the following benefits for 1 hour:

  • You become invisible, along with anything you are wearing or carrying.
  • As part of your movement, you can teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 15 feet of you. This does not cost you any extra movement, and you can only do this once per turn.
  • You gain truesight and can see into the Ethereal Plane out to a range of 60 feet.
  • You know if you hear a lie when it is uttered, and you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against a target that utters a lie.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot to use it again.