
Goliath village in the foothills above the Sylvan Sanctuary.

The goliaths do not like the nearby ursinians, and view them with distrust.

This village was once the home of Jarmo Snowgale, a battle-priest of Thor. Jarmo was the wisest goliath in the village, and while he was protecting Kattafjell, the village flourished. Jarmo went on a sacred quest some years ago, and never returned. Soon after he left, several years of bad harvests and harsh winters made the village is a shadow of its former self, with many abandoned houses on the outskirts. The remaining villagers believe that Jarmo's protection could be restored, and that the village would once again grow prosperous.

Kattafjell Longhouse

The longhouse is the largest building and stands at the central crossroads. Inside, a roaring fire keeps the cold nights out, and from this building the chieftain rules over the village.

Alarik Shalefist

(goliath, LN): Chieftain of the goliaths. Wears a large ice wolf pelt over his shoulders as a symbol of his office. Wields two large battle-axes in combat. Alarik inherited the title of Chieftain from his father who died fifteen years ago, just as the first troubles arrived when Jarmo left.

Mira Shalefist

(goliath, NG): Daughter and heir of Alarik. Hunts in the nearby mountains, bringing back deer and other prey that she can fell with her bow.

Stormlord's Shrine

Close to the longhouse is a cave entrance carved into a low cliff. A shrine to Thor has been excavated, its central chamber large enough to hold perhaps twenty large goliaths comfortably. The shrine is lit by large braziers, and the altar at the front holds offerings and sacrifice to the Stormlord.

This shrine used to be the home and workplace of Jarmo Snowgale before he left the village.

Senja Clearsky

(goliath, NG): Village wisewoman, and one of the oldest members of the tribe, who knows some druidic magic. Does what she can to help the villagers.

Tina Blackink

(goliath, LN): Young goliath tattooer, who scribes religious and tribal symbols on the grey skin of her fellow tribesmen.

Goliath Villagers

The total number of goliaths in the village total around 60-70, mostly in small family units that live in low stone houses.

Eeli Icelake

(goliath, LG): A farmer of Noseweed, one of the few plants that still seem to grow around here.

Taimo Forgehands

(goliath, TN): Village blacksmith. She makes tools and weapons with what little materials she has available.