The Sylvan Sanctuary

Arcturus, the great bear spirit

Deep in the forests of southern Cottenhorn, a hidden grove of Ursinians and Smallkin make their home among the trees. They live in tree-top huts and in caves. The huts are connected with branching walkways. The village is centered on a circle of upright stones surrounding a large Glowoak tree. About 150-200 individuals live here, mostly in families of similar species.

The grove is guarded by armed Ursinians on the ground, and Smallkin Treeguards scurry around the treetops wielding staff-slings. Some inhabitants also have druidic powers. To the extent that any of them worship a god, they worship Aegir or Skadi.

The people of the grove do not like outsiders, but tolerate those that show respect to their species. Few ursinians ever venture far from the grove, enough so that the very existence of their race is doubted by most people.

It is not known why the animals of this part of the forest awakened. Some of the more scholarly-minded ursinians have tried to uncover their origin, but have come up empty-handed so far.

Inhabitants of the Sylvan Sanctuary

Li Peng

(pandakin, TN): The closest thing the grove has to a leader, Li-peng is the village elder. Wields powerful druidic magic. He can usually be found strolling through the Sanctuary speaking with its people. Rarely seen without a stalk of bamboo in his paw.

Li-peng is a permanently wildshaped Archdruid who awakens animals because he prefers their company to that of other people.


(red pandakin, CG): An intelligent young woman who wants to see the world outside the grove. Ever tinkering with her inventions, she lives with her parents in a treetop hut, farming laceberries and bearnettle.

Ol' Paddy

(grizzlykin, NG): A heavy-set great ursinian who runs The Old Oak, a restaurant in a hollowed-out oak log that lies across a ravine. Inside creatures of all size can enjoy a well-cooked meal or some honey-mead.