
In the northern part of Cottenhorn lies the barony of Roslake. Here the Arbrintirel family makes and sells Fluxsilk in the numerous pockets of wild magic that are scattered across the forested landscape. Most people who live in Roslake are connected to the Fluxsilk trade, either as weavers, harvesters, or some other related profession.

Fluxthread farms

Where the wild-magic zones are the strongest, the Fluxworms grow the largest. A large female worm can grow well over six feet long. Harvesting their silk requires well-coordinated teams of skilled workers in order to not hurt the worms. The raw silk thread is taken, under guard, to the silkmills in central Roslake.

Fluxsilk mills

In the center of Roslake lies several wind-powered mills, where raw fluxsilk is refined and spun into fluxsilk thread and cloth.

Flamesilk Furnace

An incredibly hot furnace stands at the center of this round house. The furnace never cools down, and requires large amounts of wood and coal to sustain. The heat is used to fuse ruby dust into fluxsilk, creating Flamesilk, an enchanted cloth.

Caer Arbrintirel

An exquisite manor house where Baron Caspian lives with his husband. They regularly throw lavish parties here.