House Arbrintirel

Pride and Light

Rules over the barony of Roslake. The Arbrintirels is one of the richest families in the League. They made their gold from making and selling silk, both mundane and magical. Their title was bought by Baron Caspian's grandfather, something the older nobles never lets the family forget.

Family members

Baron Caspian

(half-elf, CG, 55): Baron Caspian rules over Roslake. His husband is Nicholas, a commonborn man from Cottenhorn. Their marriage was considered somewhat scandalous due to Nicholas' low birth. They live a life of luxury in Caer Arbrintirel, their mansion in Roslake, in the northern part of Cottenhorn. He is a powerful wild magic sorcerer who conducts most of his business in the rest of the League remotely, only teleporting there when needed.

Admiral Constance

(half-elf, CG, 55): Commander of the Seaguard, which has bases all over the League's lands. She lives aboard her flagship, the Myrmidon. She is one of the finest fencers in the Estian Sea.

Caspian and Constance are twins. Both he and his sister are half-elven, as their mother, Baroness Vircilie, married Baron Maximilian, a human man. He has not adopted an heir yet.

Baroness Vircilie

(high elf, CG, 192): Mother of Caspian and Constance. She lives a reclusive life, and has abdicated the silk business and her holdings to her son.


Baron Maximilian

(human, TN): Father of Caspian and Constance. He died almost 40 years ago, when the twins were in their teens.

Baron Maerdan

(high elf, LN): Founder of the house. Bought his title with a massive bribe to the Council. Is buried in a marble-and-gold mausoleum on the grounds of their family manor.

Caer Arbrintirel

A splendid manor house in Roslake.