Greystone Archive

The main headquarters of the Archivists. This has been a center for learning since long before the Empire fell. The central building contains the Grand Library, the oldest and larget library in the League, where thousands upon thousands of arcane writings are catalogued. In here, fire is strictly prohibited, and light is provided by spell or driftglobe.

The Archive was built on the site of the laboratory of Sira Blazefire, who became incredibly rich from her discovery of ashresin, which the Archive still produces to this day.


The east wing holds arcane research laboratories and the teaching halls where those with a gift for magic are taught. The Archmage's private study and apartments occupy the tallest tower, providing an excellent view of Quickwater Bay.

The western wing holds several dormitories, common rooms, and a mess hall for the students and researchers who live on campus. The buildings themselves are hewn from the greystone for which the city takes it name, giving it an almost fortress-like appearance were it not for its roof of purple shingles.

On the campus grounds there are large greenhouses where alchemical ingredients are grown, a dueling pitch where mages can show their mettle, and a small shrine to Odin.


Syrena Malloren

(aasimar sorcerer, NG): Scholar who specializes in the lore of magical artifacts. She can usually be found in the library, reading some dusty tome by the light provided by her halo.

Xarmon Blackrod

(tiefling, CN): Astronomy Scholar at the Archive. He is a very private person, who prefers to be left at his spyglass.


Jessica Cooper

(human wizard, LE, 17): Young raven-haired wizard whose mastery of magic is far above what her age might suggest. She is the current school dueling champion, and wields a Duelist's Wand.

Giles Ashfervor

(human, journeyman herbalist, LG, 23): Giles helps run the greenhouses that supply ingredients for the Archivists. He is a somewhat meek appearance, but is a deep fount of knowledge about magical plants and herbs. He also sells some potions and ingredients to the public.

  • More teachers and students
    • Student houses? Dangerously close to you-know-what
  • Caretaker with keys everywhere
  • Secrets and oddities
    • Doors with passwords
    • Doors on high walls, teleportation/flight to access
  • The Arcanist Society: secret club