


Dominant culture: Martial

Patron deity: Thor

In the northern part of Estia lies Myrknes, the northermost major settlement on Estia accessible by road from Greystone.

The Coldstream river flows through the town, all the way to the frigid northern ocean. It is navigable most times of year, and some hardy ships make the journey upriver to trade, mostly whale oil and dried fish.

The town is surrounded by the Black Forest, a largely uncharted frontier that is a great source of timber and furs. Several mines, notably copper and some iron, are located in the nearby mountain foothills.

The Jarl's coat of arms is a dragon's head on a field of red scales, a reference to the story of his ancestor, who slew a red dragon who is said to have inhabited the cave system that became the fortress at the center of town.


Myrknes has mostly single or two-story wooden houses that line the narrow streets. Most houses are painted red with a paint that is produced as a by-product in the nearby copper mines.

Greatbraid Fortress

The town is centered around a great dwarven fortress where the Greatbraid family rules as Jarls, and have done since long before the empire came and went. There is also an extensive underground network of tunnels, which is called the Burrows.

The Black Cauldron Taproom

Comfortable inn

Between the southern gate and the fortress at the center of town lies the Black Cauldron Taproom, where the dark beer flows and the beds are warm and soft. In the center of the common room a large octagonal bar surrounds a roaring stone fireplace above which an eternal stew is simmering in an eponymous cauldron suspended from the rafters in a chain. The stew contains whatever ingredients are in season, be it meats, greens, berries, or roots.

Signe Stormstriker

(dwarf, LN): The proprietor of the Cauldron.

Strongbrew Distillery

The firewater made here is exported in large casks branded with a bear-paw seal. This is family-owned business, although it employs almost a hundred hands to run the stills.

Steinar Strongbrew

(dwarf, LE): Owner of the distillery. He was already wealthy when he inherited the distillery from his mother. His sense of smell almost rivals that of a bloodhound - he is said to be able to identify where the wheat grew before it was distilled.

Stavechurch of the Stormlord

Traditionally built from Black Forest timber, this church is dedicated to Thor, the Stormlord.

Other locations


A small village east of Myrknes with a population around 250.


A whaling outpost far north of Myrknes. Around 1200 people live here, sending dangerous expeditions into the frigid northern sea to fish or hunt for whales. The large whale-oil boileries by the docks give the whole town a very characteristic acrid smell.