
Maeral is the name of both the island next to Iacaris, and its biggest settlement. It is a sparsely populated swampy island, albeit rich with natural resources for intrepid entrepreneurs who wish to harvest them. Almost no roads cross the island, but there are more frequently traveled paths.

The inland of Maeral is a nigh impassable maze of dense primeval forests, treacherous swamps, and razor mountains. Only those with a great need travel here. Many species of animals make the uninhabited wilds of Maeral their home, including foot-long dragonflies, actual dragons (mostly of the green and black kind), and giant apes. A colony of sphinxes is also rumored to live in the northern foothills of the mountains that run along the island.

Town of Maeral

A town built on a swamp, some of its houses standing on stilts connected by rickety gangplanks. Maeral has more non-elves than the rest of Iacaris, but is still predominantly elven. Narrow waterways is the main mode of transportation, and most houses have a small dock where rowboats can make harbor.

The town guard, as it is, patrols the surrounding swamps mounted on tall raptor lizards. Small tribes of lizardfolk live in the swamps, hunting its denizens for food and skins.

The Dirty Flagon

Modest inn

The only inn in Maeral. Run by Filmer Mudbeard (male dwarf, CG). Not the finest establishment, but as it has no competition, it is nonetheless the watering hole of choice for most of the townsfolk.

The Swampmarket

This market on the outskirts of Maeral is where the locals trade with lizardfolk and other traders from the island. The market is a series of roofed platforms on short stilts over a swampy lake, where rowboats dock for trading.

FTC Warehouse

Maeral has recently seen some FTC activity, who condider its riches underutilized. As they usually do, the FTC started by recruiting criminal gangs with vast sums of money, clearing the way to make their operations 'legit' and quickly taking over their business. The leader on Maeral is an elf called Milynna nan Maeral, who previously ran a smuggling operation. This large building is used both as storage and as trading post, where merchants and farmers come to make deals on various swamp goods.

Other landmarks

Lizardfolk Tribes

Several tribes of lizardfolk inhabit the swamps of Maeral. They live in thatched huts on stilts deep in the swamps, where they make their living as hunters and gatherers. They are generally not hostile if unprovoked, but can put up fierce resistance if given a reason. Some non-lizardfolk live here too, outlaws, druids and others who have abandoned civilization.

Ambar Atador

Ambar Atador, the Dragonguard Fortress, is a ruined relic of times past. When the Dragon War flared, this fortress was constructed to keep watch over the Narrows for any dragons approaching. It has long been ruined, but who knows that lurks among its fallen spires now?