
The small archipelago of Harborough is one of the last frontiers of the Estian Archipelago. Living outside the protection of the major powers of the island, the inhabitants have turned inward, forming a tight-knit community that does not care much for the business of outsiders.

The Village of Harborough

The largest settlement on the islands, and the only one where outsiders might expect some form of hospitality. Positioned on the northern side of the largest island in the archipelago, this wind-whipped village consists mostly of dark wooden houses with small windows and shingled roofs.

Walking through Harborough, outsiders immediately notice the abnormal amount of Tieflings who live in the village. They make up almost a quarter of the population, as opposed to less than one in a hundred elsewhere in the islands. The villagers do not find this strange, to them the tieflings are a normal part of their village.

Temperance is a succubus, and has lived in the village for a long time, and her influence is the cause behind all the tieflings. She isn't evil, and simply wishes to live her life away from the hells where she was born.

Sif's Sanctuary

On a low stony island, connected to the mainland only by a rickety plank walkway, stands three large runestones. The runestones bear witness of the god Sif and her commandments for society.

Here, duels can be fought in sight of the gods. Winning a fight among the runestones is seen as a sign that one's side of the argument was the correct one.

The current cleric in charge of the sanctuary is the chief decision-maker in the village, and is granted the title of Judge.

Harlan the Judge

(human cleric, LE): The head priest and de facto ruler of Harborough. He is a strict ruler, with a literal interpretation of the scriptures on the runestones. Bald with a sturdy build.

Judge's Arms Inn

Modest inn

The only tavern in the village. Rooms are available here, but outsiders are sure to turn some heads if they stay here.


(tiefling, CN): Innkeeper. The inn does not see many travelers, and Temperance is always interested in people's stories.


From here several small fishing vessels go out every morning to bring back the fruits of the sea. Their daily catch is sold here as well, at a small market.


(tiefling, LN): Fisherman who sells the fish he catches at the market.

Joy Blackshaw

(human, NG): Proprietor of a small general store.

Other landmarks in the archipelago

Scallywag's Haven

A pirate hideout, hidden behind a very narrow passage between two cliffs. This is where the Cruel Mistress makes anchor when she isn't stalking for pray on the seas. A small society of pirates have sprung up here, free from all their external worries. The pirates spend their days here doing all sorts of debauchery, drinking and whoring to their hearts content.


A pirate bar on the back of a massive dragon turtle named Neptulus, staffed a band of water genasi pirates. It travels around in order to hunt for treasure while avoiding the authorities. In return for defending the pirates, part of the pirate's booty goes to the dragon turtle's hoard, which is kept in a secret underwater cave in Scallywag's Haven.

Atop Neptulus' back, several wooden structures have been constructed, linked by rickety rope bridges. Over-refreshed patrons falling into the water is a highlight of any evening here.


(dragon turtle, N): At over 50 feet long, Neptulus is a very old dragon turtle. A platform has been built near his head for conversing with him, which he enjoys.

First Mate Sapphire

(water genasi, CN): Leader of the pirates. Does not claim the title of Captain, as Neptulus is not a ship.


(water genasi, CN): The bartender of the tavern. Famous for 'Black Mojo', a black rum spiced with silphium and coconut that is sure to get anyone drunk as a pirate.


A small outpost built around a limestone quarry. The white limestone from this quarry is of very high quality, especially for use by sculptors. Large blocks of it can go for many hundreds of gold in Covenant or Tel Edhil, where artists make a lot of money by making sculptures of noblemen.