Petra's Curse

Help a Medusa cursed by an Archfey to lift her curse.

Petra lives in a lush cave in Smuggler's Bay, where she spends her lonely days growing rare flowers in the well-tended garden that is her cave. She is very skilled in alchemy. Despite her snake-hair and grey skin, she has a beautiful visage. She dresses in leaf-adorned gowns, and carries a shortbow wrapped with living vines.

She just wants to be left alone, but will defend her cave if threatened. If threatened, Petra will animate some of her merrow statues to aid her in combat. Petra hates Tofanis, and would gladly see the dragon dead. She has to fend off Merrow attacks regularly, which are sent by Tofanis.

The Curse

When Ragatha found out about the betrayal, she led Petra on top of a mountain and bound her to a wicker-altar. Next, she beckoned a mighty stag to approach, and twined their fates together with a curse.

  • "I still hear her words ringing in my ears, every day! Do you think I would have forgotten the dark curse that made me into what I am?"
  • "Why are you giving aid to a monster? Most people would not."

For your act of inobedience Comes now winged vengeance Hind and hart Fly now apart Ever-beckoning, high and mighty Twelve-pointed, blood-anointed Brew and dither Horn and feather Servant no more, thus I swear All will fear your stony glare Woven of black art Rise, Wicker-heart

Petra knows her curse is bound to this creature, which is now infused with Ragatha's power. Only by slaying it and devouring its heart can Petra be free of the curse.

Petra cannot go up the mountain herself, as she cannot endure the sunlight for too long.

  • "There's a reason I stay in this blasted cave! The sun would turn me into a statue of my own in but a few hours."

Emerging on Palecliff

As you climb up from Petra's home, the lush vegetation slowly gives way to dry patches of thorny bushes, snagging on your clothes and gear. At last, you see a glimmer of natural light from a crack in the cave ahead, albeit only faintly. The final push is a squeeze between a large boulder and the rocky wall. You emerge into a dense, gloomy forest strewn with briars and thistles. The mist limits visibility to only a couple hundred feet, and the sun is but a faint light in the sky.

Just outside the cave entrance is a slender wicker-plant that has grown around a tree, strangling it from the outside. Someone - or something - has affixed a pair of antlers and hung feathers in the branches.

If the antlers or feathers are interacted with, they are revealed to be an illusion as they fade to mist, and a cackle can be heard in the mist. The wicker-bush remains, and is real. Knowledge checks could reveal the existence of wicker hags.

Up Peryton Peak

  • 2x Wicker Woad

A pair of wicker bushes stand on either side of the trail. In one hangs an ornate dreamcatcher, adorned with maroon feathers. In the other, a wicker basket holds fruit and berries. A lantern sits on the ground.

  • Basket: fruit
  • Lantern: candle
  • Dreamcatcher: feather

When the party approaches, the bushes animate as Wicker Woads, and Confusion is cast on the entire party (DC 15) as the illusions dissipate.

The Wicker-Heart

The apex of the mountain slowly emerges from the fog. At its highest point, several stones sit in a small circle around a altar overgrown with thorny bushes. Around the peak, several winged stags graze on the soft grasses. Suddenly, a shrill roar is heard above. A much larger creature flies down from the mist. Its antlers are an arm-span wide and its eyes glow blue. With a massive slam, it lands on top of the altar and roars.

  • Wicker-Heart
    • 190hp
    • Warp Shadow gains (recharge 4-6) but also deals 18 (4d8) psychic damage, half on a successful save.
  • 5x Peryton
    • 45hp
    • +7 to hit

Once the cursed peryton dies, Ragatha steps out from a tree with a wicked laugh.

  • "Has little Petra gotten herself some friends? I must admit, I am surprised anyone would aid such a wretched creature. No matter. None of you will leave this place with your mind intact."
  • Dominate Person: "Dance for me, little marionette!"
  • Illusory Images: "Heheheh, time for a shell game!"
  • Deathwail: "Hyaaaagh! The Wicker Coven will rise again, and you will be its first victims."
  • If Ragatha falls lowish on health, she will try to bargain with the party:
    • "Wait! I know this Island better than anyone. I can aid you against the dragon, or the vampire!"
    • If her bargain is accepted, Petra will remain cursed, but Ragatha will give the party a braided wicker wand that can be used as an action to remove Selena's or Tofanis' Legendary Resistances.
    • She might try to Transport via Plants away, if given the time.


  • Wicker Hag claws: Rare chaotic essence
  • Peryton Wicker-heart: Still-beating heart that Petra would greatly desire.

Breaking the curse

If the wicker-heart is brought back to Petra, she can brew a potion and be free of the curse in 24 hours. She emerges as a beautiful thirty-something woman, who still has her archfey warlock powers. Petra offers Lacrimosa as a reward to the party.

If Ragatha survived the encounter on Peryton Peak, Petra will swear an oath to track her down and kill her.

  • "Hear me, gods! I will not stop nor wane until Ragatha lies dead at my hand! This I swear!"

If Ragatha is dead, Petra offers to join in the assault on the Ravenroost.

  • "Not many people would risk their hides for a monster like I was. I owe you my life."
  • "Tofanis the Corrosive sent his minions to kill me, several times. Perhaps with your help, we could return the favor."
  • "You intend to go up against the vampire? My magic is yours, if you want it."