Victoria Ashworth



Victoria Ashworth

Race Martial Human
Class Spellbow Spellsword
Background Noble
Alignment LN
Age 25

Victoria is the bastard scion of House Ashworth. She is the daughter of Lord Richard, the current head of house living in exile in Covenant.


The following excerpts are from Victoria's diary.

13th of Wolvenmonth, 239 A.E.

Grandfather and Father are always busy. Neither want to go out hunting with me! Grandmother says it’s not the right time, but won't tell me when will be the right time! They’re always busy and can't explain why. I’m 8 now! I would understand.

21st of Chalicemonth, 239 A.E.

Grandfather looks ill. Father says the election had a big toll on him.

7th of Bearmonth, 246 A.E.

Father drank today, though he tried to hide it. "It was the ousting that killed your grandfather", he said. I don’t understand why our House lost our seat. It makes no sense to me! I promised father I will help however I can. Father just smiled.

We’re going hunting tomorrow. I can’t wait to try the frost shot again. No one else can do it. Father says it must have been passed down from my mother. I wish I had known her. I wonder why I can only do it shooting my bow.

Summer Solstice 249 A.E.

I’m getting my own longbow today!

17th of Anvilmonth, 254 A.E.

Finally a lead! The Estian Bulletin reported about potential financial fraud. Though they didn’t report any proof, this has to lead somewhere. I need to find the author of this piece.

(a yellowed newspaper page is tucked between the pages)