House Aenihar


House Aenihar

Balance in Mastery

House Aenihar ('Moonwise') is a familial order of lunar elven psionic monks. They are the highest ranking lunar elf clan, and the only one among the High Nobility.

House Aenihar train their children in their way from a very young age. Not all in the family become true spirit-projecting monks, but those who do learn are able to have their spirit take physical form, which makes them deadly fighters. Some of those who are unable to project their spirit still become monks, but of different schools.

Once a monk learns to control their spirit long enough to see its form, they change their name to reflect that entity. There are usually around five true monks of the astral self among their ranks, but this number has varied over time.

Their black-and-blue emblem reflects their belief that perfection be only be achieved through perfect balance. Some of their noble peers look down at their austere lifestyle, but they are also admired for their abilities.

Family Members

Atawyn Aenihar

(lunar elf, TN, 197): Current head of house. Her spirit takes the form of a metallic dragon.

Oranoth Aenihar

(lunar elf, LN, 87): First-born son of Atawyn. He can project his spirit into two gigantic fists. Probably the strongest in single combat of the whole family.

Naifina Aenihar

(lunar elf, NG, 118): Despite not being able to project her spirit, she is still a wise and powerful monk who wields a glaivebow with great poise. Naifina is a Sentinel of the Wardens, where she commands a squad.