The Wardens

The Wardens

The Wardens


Strength~1000 armed, ~500 support personnel
Major locationsTel Edhil, Tel Cindris, Maeral
LeaderElder Melvar Thalvirdine


  • Guardian
  • Protector
  • Huntsman
  • Sentinel
  • Elder

The Wardens, or Rathdore in elvish ('Realm-guards'), are the armed forces of the Kingdom of Iacaris. They swear an oath to obey the current monarch personally. They maintain a presence both on land and at sea, protecting the Kingdom from all threats.

The Wardens believe a war can be won with a thousand skirmishes, and deploy their forces in small independent squads of only a handful soldiers each. Each squad has plenty of latitude to interpret their orders and carry them out in the way that they best see fit, given the situation at hand.

During recruitment and training, daring and initiative are highly valued traits in the members. Most squads field a variety of specializations, which makes the Wardens one of the most versatile forces around.

The patron deity of the Rathdore is Skadi the Wildwatcher, but this is rarely mentioned except for during offcial ceremonies, and members are free to observe their own beliefs.

Emblem and equipment

The Warden emblem consists of three green leaves. For higher ranks, small red berries affixed to the base. The emblem on the right is that of a Sentinel, the rank just below the Elder.

The emblems are usually made from actual leaves, kept alive through minor druidic magic, but some higher-ranked members choose to fashion theirs from glass instead.

The Wardens allow their members to choose their equipment in the way they feel best suits the mission at hand, but most wear lighter armor in browns and greens in order to blend in with foliage and trees.

Each squad typically has some detail that they wear to distinguish themselves, such as a macaw feather worn on their helmet, a blue stripe of warpaint on the cheeks, a black cloth band, or a particular hairstyle. These signs usually become nom-de-guerre-like nicknames for the members of the squad, and it is not unusual for squadmembers to take their squad name as a byname.

As for weapons, the longbow is very popular, but some prefer the agility of hand crossbows, the power of an elven longsword, or the versatility of a glaivebow. Warden spellcasters are usually equipped with staves, although some use a rapier and wand instead.


The Wardens operate in small squads, usually numbering between four and ten soldiers, depending on specialization and mission. Each soldier in a squad is of the same rank except for their commander, who is one rank above the rest. Some squads stay together for decades, learning to fight with a single mind.

The Wardens rarely fight pitched battles against equal opponents if they can avoid it. Instead, they prefer to rely on hit-and-run guerilla tactics focused on depriving their enemy of supplies and support. If forced to, squads can band together and serve as a bigger unit, which would be commanded by the most senior officer among the squads.

Squads are organized to cover as many specializations as possible, and are usually capable of both melee and ranged combat, and should ideally have atleast some magical abilities among them. Some units specialize in mounted combat or siege warfare, but most are generalists.

There are squads of many different ranks, and they are given different types of tasks. A squad of Guardians, the lowest rank, could be assigned to patrol a road or guard a small town or village, and are commanded by a Protector. The Wardens count around a hundred Guardian squads in their ranks.

A squad of Protectors are more experienced soldiers. Led by a Huntsman, they might be sent on a scouting mission, tasked with dispatch a known threat, or guard a larger town or city, perhaps with the support of one or more Guardian-squads. Fifty squads of Protectors were recorded at the last count.

The highest ranking squads consists of Huntsmen, and are commanded by a Sentinel. These are the Wardens elite special forces, sent to infiltrate deep behind enemy lines to make surgical strikes where they least expect it and disappear afterwards. Only a handful of these combat squads exists, but several Huntsman-squads serve as rear officers who command lower-ranked squads, perhaps assigned to protect a major city or a whole island.


The squad-based structure repeats all the way to the top, where the Elder commands the First Squad, the only squadron of Sentinels in the whole force. They do not fight directly, instead focusing solely on giving orders to their subordinates. The Elder is the highest ranking Warden, and they speak with the voice of the monarch whom the Wardens serve.

Elder Melvar Thalvirdine

(high elf, LN, 188): Melvar Thalvirdine is Elder of the Wardens. He has served the Wardens for almost 150 years, and as Warden for the last 67 years. Melvar is fiercely loyal to Queen Caerynna, and advises her in military matters. He never married, spending most of his life deployed in the Wardens. While he does not share his mother's zeal for elven supremacy, he still views outsiders with suspicion until they have proven themselves.

Since the start of his career, squads under his command have been totally promoted twice, an honor that only three commanders in Warden history have been given. Two of the Sentinels he currently commands in the First Squad have served under him since he was a Protector.

Sentinel Aeniwyn Galdorei

(high elf druid, TN, 179): Aeniwyn has served in Elder Melvar's squads since she was a recruit. Now she personally commands the recruitment of new Wardens.


Despite a focus on versatility, the Wardens have a number of squads with specialized tasks.

The Trimaran Navy

In Alyn Iunaes, the Wardens keep a force of trimaran ships that patrol the waters around Iacaris. Most of these agile ships are manned by a Protector-squads and two Guardian-squads, for a total crew of around twenty. The Wardens only have around fifteen of these ships, but what they lack in number they make up for with speed and agility.

Sentinel Aelor nan Iacaris

(wood elf, LE, 155): Commander of the Warden navy. His flagship, Galtenel ('Swift-silver'), is a large three-masted trimaran considered to be the fastest ship in the Estian Sea.

The Outriders

For long range patrols in difficult terrain, such as over the Rhimer Peaks or through the jungles of Maeral, the Wardens have the Outriders, squads of cavalry who ride giant tigers who leap between rocks or through underbrush as easily as if it was paved road. The Outriders maintain a headquarters in Tel Cindris where they breed their mounts. Outriders wear a plume of peacock feathers in their helmets.

Sentinel Aelo Nirnatil

(wood elf, CN, 125): Commander of the Outriders. He and his tigress mount have seen much action together, and they are almost inseparable.

The Luthdore

The Wardens also maintain personal protection of the royal family of Iacaris. Queen Caerynna's bodyguard is a double-strong Huntsman-squad that is called the Luthdore (the Sunwatchers). When on duty, they wear armor of golden runeglass as they watch over their monarch day and night. This is one of the most prestigious postings in the entire organization.

Sentinel Gilon Arasar

(wood-elf, LG, 121): The commander of the Luthdore, and an advisor to Queen Caerynna. He has guarded the queen for almost fifty years. Some have raised objections about someone of his relatively low birth being in charge of the personal security of the monarch, but that is mostly power-hungry nobles vying for a position so close to the Queen.


Squad commanders are always on the lookout for those of lower rank who might be ready for a promotion into their squad. The Wardens value versatility, quick-thinking, loyalty, and daring in their higher ranks. Magical acumen is always viewed as a boon, but by no means required. An exceptionally skilled soldier can make a very quick career, shooting upwards through different squads.

If a squad distinguishes itself in action, they can be totally promoted, advancing every member of the squadron one rank. This is considered a great honor.

Recruits are trained in the squads they will eventually serve in, and during the final training, the most capable recruit is selected to be their commander, instantly earning a promotion. Particularily gifted recruits, or those with the right connections, are also often instantly promoted to Protector, and might join a Protector-squadron instead.

A Protector in command of a squadron of Guardians is considered to outrank a Protector who serves under a Huntsman. If the need arises, the former's rank is sometimes given as 'Protector-Commander'. Each squad maintains its own order of succession in case that their commander should be incapacitated or promoted.


The Wardens existed long before the Kingdom of Iacaris became independent. The original organization was founded on the mainland, when the Amnoran Kingdom rose up against the Empire in open rebellion. The rebellion was quashed, but some survivors fled north, and hid in the jungles of Iacaris.

Over time, their mission shifted to protection of the woodland realms, but they never forgave the Empire for what they did. When the Empire fell, the Wardens ensured an elven monarch would rule their land once more. They chose Caerynna Hathador as their monarch, as her family descends from the Amnoran royal family.


Tel Edhil, HQ, recruitment

Tel Cindris, outriders

Maeral, small outpost

Playing as a Warden

The majority of Wardens are elven, but a sizable chunk of their forces are Sylvanites too. Other races are rarer, but not unheard of.

Druid and Ranger are the most obvious picks. Any of their subclasses works well. Some perhaps less obvious picks are Paladin (especially Ancients and Watchers), Archfey Warlock, Scout Rogue, Totem Barbarian, Nature Cleric, and Glamour Bard.

As for backgrounds, Faction Agent, Outlander, Far Wanderer, Sage, and Hermit all work.


  • Versatility If I am ready for anything, nothing can beat me. (Any)
  • Initiative I can defeat anyone in a fight on my own terms and at a time of my own choosing. (Chaotic)
  • Preservation I must ensure that nature remains unspoiled by the forces of darkness. (Neutral)
  • The Crown I serve the Kingdom of Iacaris faithfully, and would gladly give my life for it. (Lawful)
  • The People I serve the people of Iacaris without reservation, and would gladly give my life for them. (Good)
  • The Hunt The exhilaration of stalking unseen behind your quarry is unbeatable. (Evil)