House Elsiter


House Elsiter

Morning Always Comes

House Elsiter ('Dawnsword') traces their lineage to Saint Arwyn, a great paladin of Freya and one of the founders of the Pilgrim Knights. Many Elsiters have followed in her footsteps, and several high ranking Pilgrim Knights have been from this house. The sword Fiendfell was an heirloom of this house, but was lost.

The emblem of House Elsiter is quite similar of that of the Pilgrim Knights, which has caused confusion on more than one occasion.

Family members

Melanna Elsiter

(high elf, LG, 233): Head of the house. Renowned archer who served for many years in the Wardens, and retired as Sentinel of the First Squad.

Nirnan Elsiter

(wood elf, NG, 199): Husband of Melanna. Nirnan is lowborn, and served under Melanna for many years before they declared their love for each other.

Arerilie Elsiter

(high elf, LN, 95): Serves the Pilgrim Knights as a Templar of the Spears. Married to Lord Parker of House Ashworth, a human from Covenant.

Caitlyn Elsiter

(half-elf, LG, 24): Daughter of Arerilie and Lord Parker.

Melvar Elsiter

(high elf, CG, 59): Younger brother of Arerilie.
