House Thalvirdine


House Thalvirdine

Elvendom Above All

House Thalvirdine ('Children of the Beautiful Flower') are all ancesters of Mithwyn Thalviren, a powerful druid who is said to have possessed extraordinary beauty.

House Thalvirdine is one of the most conservative noble houses when it comes to retaining their elven purity. Their agitation for elven supremacist policies often brings them into conflict with other houses who favor a more open-minded approach towards the other inhabitants of the world.

Family members

Sildina Thalvirdine

(high elf, TN, 471): A powerful archdruidess and the head of the druidic Circle of Stars at Siltharel, a position she has held for over 250 years. She is the last living grandchild of Mithwyn Thalviren, and the only living elf to have met her.

Tuovar Thalvirdine

(high elf, LE, 232): Son of Sildina. Tuovar is his brother's opposite in many regards. Where Melvar serves the realm, Tuovar serves his family. Melvar is a skilled fighter, Tuovar is a cunning diplomat who works in the shadows to accomplish his family's goals.

Astaia Thalvirdine

(high elf, LN, 111): Daughter of Tuovar. Married to Cerelor Halasir.

Luthien Thalvirdine

(high elf, LG, 66): Daugher of Astaia. A young artificer at the Royal Arcanaeum.

Aelan Thalvirdine

(high elf, NG, 44): Son of Astaia. Twin brother of Thalie Halasir.


Mithwyn Thalviren

(high elf, LG, 607-1031): Druid who founded the house. She lived for a very long time, owing to her great druidic powers. She had midnight hair and very bright teal eyes, and was considered the most beautiful elf alive. Where she walked, plants flourished in her wake.