House Halasir


House Halasir

Soaring Above

House Halasir ('Skyfeather') are an ancient and house. They have a strong tradition of arcane magic. For generations, members of the house have served as headmasters of the Siltharel, the heart of elven arcane scholarship in the Estian Sea.

Family members

Prince-Consort Aerilor Halasir

(high elf, LN, 241): The husband of Queen Caerynna. Aerilor is a wise man who provides advice to his wife in all matters of state.

Silvar Halasir

(high elf, LG, 216): Younger brother of Prince-Consort Aerilor. Serves as the Ambassador of Iacaris in Covenant, where he lives with his third wife Maya, a half-elf. Silvar attended the School of Rhetoric and Oratory in Greystone when he was younger, and thus knows the customs of the League well.

Armalie Halasir

(high elf, NG, 198): Current headmistress of the Siltharel, where many noble children are taught magic. She is a powerful evoker, able to bend the elements to her service.

Harold Halasir

(half-elf, CG, 144): Son of Armalie from her first agarcil marriage. Old for a half-elf, he has travelled much in the world and has spent the last decade writing his extensive memoirs.

Cerelor Halasir

(high elf, CG, 88): Married to Astaia Thalvirdine. Wild magic sorcerer, who has never really tamed his magic, which is somewhat shameful for the child of the headmistress of the Siltharel.

Thalie Halasir

(high elf, CG, 44): Daughter of Cerelor. Twin sister of Aelan Thalvirdine.