Fiona Dawnstar

DnD Beyond

Half-elf Oath of the Crown Paladin (Noble, LG, 33)


Lady Fiona Dawnstar

AliasesLinna Greenwood, Princess Fiona nan Iacaris
OccupationProtector-Initiate of the Pilgrim Knights

Short golden hair peeks out under her plumed helmet as Fiona steeled herself. 'By Any Means Necessary', she recited under her breath - one of the tenets of her oath. She had trained for this, and her friends were by her side, her spear was sharp and her armor strong. She reached down and patted gave an assuring pat to her trusted war-horse with a mail-gloved hand.

Looking to her side, she saw the Captain of her company reach for his war-horn and let out two sharp blasts. As one, all the riders set off into a trot. She ushered her horse into a gallop as the Captain let out a sustained horn blast.

Moments before she impacted, the point of her spear burst into a bright fire, blinding her enemies. 'Valhalla!' came her battle-cry as she crashes, spear aflame, into the ranks of the enemy.

Fiona has always had a struggling relationship with her father, Count Aurius. Not content at the court, she longed for another life - a life of service to the people and not a life of banquets and receptions. Renouncing her heritage, she ran away from home telling no one. She has since found a home under a nom-de-guerre in the Pilgrim Knights, protecting the innocent people. As Linna Greenwood of Maeral, she serves the Knights as a Protector-Initiate. Currently stationed on Cottenhorn with her platoon.

Unknown to her, her mother is Queen Caerynna. To conceal her affair with Count Aurius Dawnstar, the queen used powerful illusion magic to hide the pregnancy. Once Fiona was born, the queen disguised herself and sought an audience with Count Aurius. He took Fiona in and raised her as his legitimate heir, since he had no other children. From an early age Fiona showed an unusual martial aptitude, and was taught how to use sword and spear both on and off horseback. She was told her mother had been an elf in a brothel somewhere.

Due to her birth, she has a claim to the titles of both the royal house of Iacaris and the County of Greystone, although currently only her claim to the County of Greystone is recognized.