House Dawnstar

A Light in the Darkness

House Dawnstar are the rulers of the county of Greystone, the largest city-state in the League. Their ancient line is dwindling, with Count Aurius not producing any children except Fiona, a half-elf daughter who was born out of wedlock. She has been legitimized as his heir by decree of the Council, but since half-elves can't have children of their own, the Dawnstar future is still uncertain.

Family members

Count Aurius

(human, LE, 71): Count Aurius is one of the League's most deft politicians. He is currently the only person to sit on two seats on the Council, both as head of House Dawnstar, and as representative of Greystone. He is a skilled swordsman who served as an officer in the Purple Legion when he was younger. He never married, but his daughter Fiona has been legitimized as his heir - otherwise the Dawnstar line would go extinct, as he was the only surviving member.

Previous members

Alexander Dawnstar

Father of Count Aurius. Served as Speaker for the last nine years of his life, dying just before his second term ended. Buried at the Temple of Heimdall in Covenant, but has a shrine in the burial vaults beneath Greystone Castle.

Bartholomew Dawnstar

Father of Alexander.

Gideon Dawnstar

(human, LG, 1162-1220): The first Count of Greystone after the fall of the Empire. Was awarded the title for defeating the Imperial navy north of Maeral, and wining the Second Siege of Greystone.

Greystone Castle

The Dawnstar ancestral home is Greystone Castle, which guards the mouth of the Clearstream. It is labyrinthine and dark, with many dead-end passages and long spiral staircases.

In the deepest part of the castle, the Dawnstar burial vaults holds many previous generations of Dawnstars.