Mathias Brightflame

DnD Beyond

Martial Human Oath of Glory Paladin (Soldier, LG, 67)

It might not look like it, but there is still strength left in me - enough for one final adventure before Valhalla awaits. May Tyr give me strength and may Odin grant me a valiant end!

That was a close fight! I could feel the gaze of the valkyries upon us. We should celebrate our victory, for next time it might be our turn to go to Valhalla!

In the town I come from, there is a shrine to a great warrior who lived many hundreds of years ago. Imagine what glorious deeds he did, to be remembered and honored for so long.

Painting by Brinie Thalmaer, oil on canvas, 30 by 42 inches

Mathias Brightflame

Race Martial Human
Class Oath of Glory Paladin
Background Soldier
Alignment LG
Age 67

Mathias grew up in Greystone. His parents were artisans, and he had a comfortable upbringing. He would often go to the arena to watch the games there, one day hoping to win the adoration of the crowd. As a young man, Mathias joined the Estian military to see the world. The military was less glorious single combat, and more keeping watch during long nights or scrubbing potatoes, but the fighting skills he learned during his time as a grunt are still sharp.

At age 26, he met Meghan, a raven-haired acolyte serving at the shrine of Tyr in Owl Rock where he was stationed. Mathias started going to every service he could, mostly to see Meghan. Listening to the sermons left a lasting impression, and Mathias started praying to Tyr. Only five months after they met, Mathias and Meghan married. Seven months after the wedding came their first child, a girl whom they named Victoria.

Together they settled down in Owl Rock, and Mathias joined the Owl Rock city guard. His duties mostly consisted of patrolling the countryside on horseback to keep the roads clear of beasts and brigands. After a year or two, Mathias was promoted to sergeant and put in charge of leading a five-man patrol.

One day when out on patrol, he and his small unit came upon a caravan under attack by a large contingent of bandits. Not hesitating for a second, Mathias spurred his horse and charged into the fray, his armor glinting in the midday sun. In the ensuing battle, Mathias slew a dozen bandits with his sword. The bandits slew four caravan guards and two of his fellow guardsmen.

Unbeknownst to Mathias, the caravan was carrying Miranda Keswick, the young heir to the barony of Arastfjord. The bandits had attempted to kidnap her in order to ransom her for the release of some of their captive brethren. When Baron Keswick learned of what had happened, he offered to knight Mathias and make him the Captain of the Arastfjord guard, a position that was luckily vacant at the time.

In Arastfjord, Mathias and Meghan lived a good life, growing old together. The townsfolk of Arastfjord took to calling Mathias "the Golden Lion" in reference to his blonde hair and beard. He liked the nickname, and had bronze armor made with lion imagery.

Together, he and Meghan maintained a small shrine of Tyr in their home, and Mathias gained the powers of a Paladin in Tyr's service, sworn to protect the innocent and perform glorious deeds.

Ten years ago, after serving Arastfjord faithfully for thirty full years, he retired from his duties as Captain. Miranda Keswick, now baroness herself, gave him a sizable pension, and he spent his days tending the garden with Meghan.

Two years ago, Meghan died of natural causes. Victoria had left a long time ago, serving the Pilgrim Knights as a Charitor in Solstice and starting a family of her own. Alone for the first time in almost 40 years, Mathias yearns for one final adventure.


Mathias is brave, almost to the point of foolhardiness. After a long and fulfilling life, he does not fear death.


  • My word is sacred to me. Betraying a promise is anathema.
  • I pray to Odin for a valiant death in combat, so I can reach Valhalla.


  • Legacy: Only what we are remembered for really matters in the end. (Lawful)
  • Greater Good: Sometimes we need to make personal sacrifices for the benefit of others. (Good)


  • I want to have one final adventure to be remembered by.


  • Sometimes my indifference for death goes a bit too far.
  • I can't swing my sword as quickly as when I was younger, but I will not admit it.


Mathias is old, but still strong. His once golden hair is now silver. In combat, Mathias wears heavy armor and wields a claymore. His armor and weapon are designed with lion motifs - most noticably the sculpted lion heads on his pauldrons, with fur lining that imitates lion manes. A heavy blue cloak completes the look.

  • How to get a more reliable bonus action?
  • Smite spells go some of the way
  • Don't wanna go PAM
  • GWM gives one semi-reliably, but straight GWM is not great on a paladin
  • Fey Touched gives Misty Step
  • Other possible feats: HAM, Sentinel, Res:con, Warcaster
  • Items:
    • Armor of Gleaming
    • Cloak of Protection
    • +1 Greatsword