Owl Rock

Owl Rock


Dominant culture: Agrarian

Patron deity: Tyr

Owl Rock and its surrounding villages on the Wheatplains produce far more food than they need, which has given the ruling Tuveren family more money and influence than the population of their holdings might suggest.


The County of Owl Rock is the domain of House Tuveren, which is led by Duchess Portia, the current Speaker of the Council of Estia.

Owl Rock's coat of arms is a resplendant owl on a field of yellow. The arms of House Tuveren are similar, but adds a ducal crown above the owl, to signify that they currently hold the position of Speaker.


Owl Rock is built in dozens of terraces hewn into the side of a steep cliff, which is simply called the Rock. Many owls roost in its crevices, hence the name of the town.

A complicated web of stairs, ladders, walkways, elevators, ropes, and chutes connect the tiers, making it one of the hardest towns to navigate. Almost all buildings are adjacent to the face of the cliff, and some are even hewn into the rock to make more space.

Since goods are hard to transport up the Rock, most commerce of the town is made in the lower tiers, although some specialized artisans have their shops higher up.

The lowest tier of the town proper is protected by a wide water-filled moat. An enormous drawbridge suspended from chains provides access, but can be raised if needed. The settlement outside the drawbridge looks more like other Estian towns, if one ignores the looming Rock, which cradles it on three sides.

The Golden Ayrie

The topmost terrace of Owl Rock, and home to Manor Tuveren, which occupies the entire terrace. It is a sprawling complex of many houses, connected by covered walkways.

The Ayrie's Peak

The tallest point in Owl Rock is the wizard's tower within Manor Tuveren.

Jasmine Whitefeather

(human wizard, LN): Jasmine is the older sister of Penelope Whitefeather. Jasmine serves Duchess Portia as an advisor.

The Barrows

Several deep tunnels are hewn into the sides of the Rock. Originally dug as burial tunnels, no one is quite sure how deep they go, or what lies at the bottom.

Almost all terraces of the town are connected to some part of the Barrows. Some well-known paths are used to traverse the city, but there are many junctions where one could get lost if one deviates from the marked path.

  • Sometimes, monsters from the depths of the Barrows wander up to the surface.
  • Rumor has it that a thieves' hangout is hidden somewhere in the Barrows.
  • Connects to the Underdark?

Tyr's Shelf

Halfway up the cliff lies a terrace that is dominated by a temple to Tyr, the protector of the city.

Temple of Tyr

A 15-foot standing runestone outside the temple tells the story of how Tyr lost his hand to the wolf Fenrir. The temple also serves as the town's court.

Alma Stronglance

(dwarf cleric, LG): Cleric of Tyr. She is used to giving commands from her time in the Purple Legion.

Tinkerscrew's Cable

From Tyr's Shelf, a cable runs down to the Arcades. Baskets of various sizes are hauled up this cable, providing a shortcut for both people and cargo up the Rock. A single fare up or down the cable costs 2gp per person, making it a luxury option. The people-baskets take 5 passengers each, and are quite comfortable - unless you are prone to vertigo.

Terrel Tinkerscrew

(gnome artificer, tn): Owner of the cable service. He can usually be found with an oiler in hand, making adjustments to the geared mechanism that makes the cable go.

The Strix Promenade

The south-facing Strix Promenade lies just below the Ayrie Peak, and is home to many of the towns richest citizens.

Someone betrothed to a Tuveren child?

Owlin family who raises giant owls?

The Arcades

The lowest tier of the city, where most trade and business is performed. Many businesses lie along a central serpentine road.

The Cracked Tankard

Poor inn

The Tankard is not the premiere establishment that its location demands. Many unsuspecting travellers have been lured in by its pleasant exterior and its prime location, right by the gatehouse. Sadly, inside the Tankard the walls are damp, the mugs are dirty, and the ale is watery. Despite the lack of quality, the tavern still draws a crowd most nights, as any other establishments are quite a trek up the Rock.

Hallvig Bronzefist

(dwarf, le): The proprietor of the Tankard. She has a cantankerous personaly, and she swears like a sinking sailor. She is convinced (rightly) that others are trying to take over her business.

Talonwatch Gatehouse

The gatehouse that guards the town's drawbridge is the headquarters of the Talonwatch, the town guard. They wear tabards with the coat of arms of Owl Rock, and wield mostly spears and shortbows.

Andreas Trueford

(human, LN): Captain of the Talonwatch. He is more concerned with the Barrows than any outside threat.

Merchants and traders

Most business in the Arcades concern the enormous amounts of wheat harvested from the surrounding lands.

Laura Sunplume

(human, NG): Armorer with a small shop. She specializes in making richly adorned helmets, often with reliefed patterns or mosaic inlays.

Other locations

The lands around Owl Rock are very fertile, and are often likened to a sea of wheatfields. This is the Estian breadbasket, and farms and mills are plentiful here. The milled flour is shipped from Westford to various locations around the islands.