

Founded in 937 AUC.


Dominant culture: Martial

Patron deity: Freya

Solstice is the largest city on Vanadis, named in honor of the most sacred day of its patron deity, the goddess Freya. It is dominated by the Grand Refuge, the headquarters of the Pilgrim Knights. The town sprung up around the large fortress when it was built, and has become a bustling trade hub in its own right.

The city is one of the most racially mixed in the Estian Sea, with a roughly even split of humans, halflings, gnomes, and elves, as well as a sizable proportion of other races.

The Grand Refuge

The Grand Refuge

The central temple-fortress of the Pilgrim Knights which Solstice is built around. Houses both a Charitor hospital and a large garrison of Spears, as well as the research libraries of the Seekers.

The complex is built on top of a hill which overlooks the rest of Solstice. The north and east walls are hill sides, almost two hundred feet tall. The Refuge is built in tiers, each higher than the rest. The main entrance is flanked by two thick-walled towers and the gates of enchanted oak can be closed at a moments notice if the watch commander should order it.

The Market Yard

The first tier is level with the city outside, and protected by a 30 foot-high wall with several towers. Patrols of Spears man the towers day and night. This is the only tier that is open to non-members and houses a large market where inhabitants of the city do their business. It also holds the entrance to the Charitor Hospital, where the sick and hurt are aided, free of charge.

Those that wish to join the ranks of the Pilgrim Knights are considered at the recruitment center. Regular services to Freya are conducted from a small altar by the ramps to the next tier.

Victoria Brightflame

(human corpsman, NG): Disciple stationed at the hospital. She treats both nobles and beggars with equal attention and care.

The Exercise Yard

The second tier is only accessible by ramps, through a gatehouse with a heavy portcullis. It stands about 30 feet above the first tier, level with the outer wall. All tiers of the Refuge are strong defensive positions, but the second tier especially so. Along the walls, and on top of the outer towers, are large ballistae and scorpions intended to be used against besieging armies and airborne threats. The second tier also houses the armory, where blacksmiths make weapons and armor for the Knights. The roof of the armory serves as the castle's siege workshop where the emplaced weapons are built and maintained.

South of the main exercise yard lies the living quarters, where both newly enlisted disciples and seasoned officers sleep. There are both bunk halls and private rooms of various size, for those officers and married couples of the Order that desire privacy or have children. The mess hall serves simple but good food, prepared from massive stockpiles in underground cellars. Approximately eight hundred order-brethren live in the Refuge.

The griffon roost, on the east side of the yard, is where the Pilgrim's flying cavalry, the Amber Riders, is based. The griffons are kept in large outdoor pens, and each rider is responsible for the care of their gryphon. The riders are mostly spell-swords, flinging ranged magic from high above the battlefields.

The Temple Yard

A single ramp leads from the exercise yard to the third tier, where the massive central temple stands. Large enough to house a thousand people for sermons, which are held daily. The eastern wall of the temple is open and supported by pillars. This lets the light in during sunrise and displays the colossal statue of Freya that stands outside, overlooking the city from the hill. The statue is over 120 feet tall and made from white marble. She is depicted with her arms outstretched wearing an elegant dress and wearing Brisingamen, her legendary lost necklace, along with her falcon cloak and circlet. The altar of the temple features a large brazier which holds an imperishable radiant fire.

North of the massive temple building lies the administrative wing, where scribes keep the Order's finances and negotiate potential contracts. The tallest tower in the whole fortress complex is the Grandmaster's Tower, where Grandmaster Grenwen has his offices and private apartment. On the top floor of the Grandmaster's Tower the Solar Observatory is situated, mapping the sun and stars with telescopes and astrolabes.

Alexandra Sunheart

(aasimar divine soul sorceress, LG): Archhealer of the Pilgrim Knights.

The Seeker Yard

The final tier is the smallest. It is the domain of the Seekers, the Pilgrim Knights' intelligence gathering branch. Their library contains much knowledge of the world, and the mages who make their home in its tower carry out advanced magical research. Seeker enchanters also create magical equipment for the Order's use.

The fourth tier is also home to the Botanical Gardens, where healing herbs are grown and packaged for Charitor hospitals throughout the Estian Sea and beyond. There is a small alley that leads from the fourth tier to the exercise yard on the second tier, but it is only open to Seekers.

Market District

The streets up to the Grand Refuge are lined with shops and other businesses that provide services to the pilgrims.


('Chase', tabaxi, LG): Cat breeder who moved here from Callatis when she learned that cats are a symbol of Freya. She has black and white fur with short ears.

Current cats in stock:

CatType Price Note
ClawsF, speckled brown and black50gpExtremely spicy kitten
AshleyF, greyish blue with a short tail125gp
VoidM, midnight black with purple eyes250gpEasy to lose in dark rooms
LeoM, orange maine coon with a big beard350gpRegal appearance
LunaF, bright white with one blue and one orange eye400gpVery fluffy fur and tail
WingsF, naked tressym1200gp
Milly Bramblewort

(halfling, NG): Young halfling perfume maker. Has a small shop close to the harbor where she sells her wares. Her most popular fragrance smells like chocolate oranges, other varieties smell like peppermint or cinnamon apples.

Harbor District

A natural harbor that leads into the river makes Solstice an easy port for most ships, and has solidified its position as a trading hub, but it does not rival Greystone or Covenant in trade volumes.

The Delightful Dragon

Aristocratic inn

In a small park not far from the harbor lies a lush grove of trees. Between the trees sits a mysterious door that glows purple. It is surrounded by hovering colored orbs of lights in various colors and dance music can be heard from within. On busy nights, the crowd outside can appear like half of Solstice are queuing outside to get in.

This is the entrance to the Delightful Dragon, a permanent Magnificent Mansion that is part luxury hotel, part night club, part casino, and fully spectacular. Rooms here are very expensive, but the staff of the Dragon will make any guest feel like royalty for the night.

Lyra von Quill: (half-elf, CG): Owner and proprietor of the Delightful Dragon, which she founded after retiring from the adventuring life. Some nights she performs her poems and songs on stage, usually to a packed house. She is well-known in town for riding her pet peryton, whom she named Dragon.

Thundin: The head brewer of the Dragon, and an adventuring partner of Lyra. From behind the bar, he conjures alemental mephits that blitz around the room offering refills of various delicious brews to the guests. His signature drink is a concoction of Dragon's Blood firewater and citrus juice.


(halfling?, LG): Hostess of the Dragon who runs the day-to-day operations. She is dressed in flowing robes of silk.

In the foyer of the Dragon is a large marble statue of a red dragon engaged in combat with a party of adventurers. Some patrons have commented that two of the adventurers look remarkably like Lyra and Thundin.

The Wooden Pigeon

Poor inn

A sailor's bar in the harbor. A large message board outside the bar holds job notices for sailors. There are also hammocks available for those who find themselves without a ship to serve on.

Eddie Windlake

(human, CG): Runs the Wooden Pigeon.

The Kilns

On the outskirts of Solstice, by the river that flows towards the ocean, several glassmaking facilities produce some of the highest quality glass in the Islands. The raw materials are gathered from the surrounding area. These facilities make both practical objects, such as window panes and drinking glasses, art objects such as vases and stained glass, as well as more technical objects like lenses and alchemical equipment.

Halwyn Isniex

(wood elf, LG): Master glassblower who makes magnificient stained glass windows of runeglass. She gets most of her work from shrines and temples who want an image of their deity. Walking into her shop is like walking into a kaleidoscope, with unfinished multi-colored creations hanging on every wall. Some noble families commission stained-runeglass versions of their coat of arms from her at exorbitant prices.