The Planes

The world consists of nine major realms, connected by the Bifrost.

The Material Plane

Midgard, or the Prime Material, is the largest plane. It lies at the center of the world.

The Feywild and the Shadowfell

Both the Feywild and the Shadowfell exist as hollow copies of the Material Plane. Features of the world are repeated in all three of the planes, although with a twist.

Midgard, the Feywild, and the Shadowfell forms the Inner Planes. To travel there, it is enough to find a crossing where they intersect.


The Bifrost bridge, made from rainbows, connects the Inner Planes and the Outer Planes through the aether. It is not a bridge in the traditional sense, but rather a conduit through which powerful magic can transport both creatures and objects. Bifrost is connected to the weave that powers all arcane magic.

Some scholars refer to the Bifrost as the Astral Plane.

Elemental Planes

In a ring surrounding the inner planes lie the Elemental Planes. They form a circle, with water and fire on opposite ends, and earth and air also opposite each other.

Rarely, the innate magic of the elemental planes lashes out through the Bifrost and forms a portal to the Inner Planes. This can lead to the incursion of elementals. Sometimes these portals can become permanent in locations of elemental power, such as a volcano.

Like most other planes, distance and direction does not have the same meaning as it does in the Material Plane, and all these planes have a defined center. The further you go from the center, the wilder the elemental forces becomes, until you reach a different elemental plane. These border-regions are strange and dangerous, but contain powerful magic.


Above the inner planes lies Asgard, the home of the gods.


In the cold and dark below the worlds lies Helheim, the afterlife for most mortal beings.