large fey, chaotic neutral
Fey Ancestry: The owlbear has advantage on saving throws against becoming Charmed, and magic cannot put it to sleep.
Keen Sight and Smell: The owlbear has advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight or smell.
Ambush Predator: The owlbear has advantage on Stealth and Initiative checks, and all its attacks during the first round in combat.
Multiattack: The owlbear can attack once with its bite or use its Piercing Shriek, and twice with its claws.
Bite: Melee weapon attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+4) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a Strength save (DC 16) or fall Prone.
Claw: Melee weapon attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.
Piercing Shriek (recharge 5-6): The owlbear screeches at a deafening volume. All creatures within 60 feet that can hear the owlbear must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 14 (4d6) force damage and be Deafened for 1 minute. While deafened, creatures cannot perform verbal components of spells. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success.
Bonus Actions
Aggressive: The owlbear moves up to half its speed towards an enemy creature, and its jumping distance is doubled for this turn.
A cross between a bear and an owl, these creatures originate in the deep forests of the Feywild. Owlbears are crepuscular with excellent night vision and camouflage in their native environment. Their distinctive deafening screeches can be heard for miles when they are looking for a mate.
Adventurers should keep an eye out when they go into woods where owlbears are known to live, as an owlbear would find most humanoid creatures a good-sized snack. However, owlbears are fickle creatures and will not attack unless hungry or provoked. There are even stories of owlbears sneaking up on an adventuring party, only to give a peck on the back before sprinting off into the forest.
Owlbears can sometimes form packs or colonies, usually with an alpha female and several males. If you find an unattended owlbear egg, it is safe to assume that its mother is nearby, and will not find your presence acceptable. The eggs have a speckled purple hue, and owlbear eggshells are a valued alchemical ingredient. When hatched, the cubs weigh around 100 pounds, and quickly grow larger than a man. They are fully grown after two years, and their natural lifespan is around 20 years.
Rarely, a female owlbear's owl heritage causes it to be born with functional wings. These owlbears can grow as large as a dragon, and could be mistaken for one when flying over the forest - although their flight is usually far more clumsy.
They do not have the stamina to fly longer distances, saving their energy for the final ambush. In a pack, a winged owlbears is almost always the alpha, and they prefer to nest on cliffsides where they can get some help to get airborne.