Wild Magic

Wild Magic, redux

This is a redux of the classic PHB subclass, featuring an extended wild magic table and a method of determining surges that does not involve the DM, who frankly has enough on their plate to not have to decide whether the sorcerer gets to use their subclass features or not.

You are a conduit for raw, untamed magic - a vestige of the chaotic forces that roil beneath the order of creation. There are many ways you could have come into this power. Perhaps you were born in a place of primordial magic, or you were touched by forces from the planes of Limbo, the Far Realm, or one of the Elemental Planes. Maybe it was simply the luck of the draw that gave you this blessing - or is it a curse?

Regardless of how it came to be, the power is now churning inside of you, and the only question that remains is whether you will you be able to take control over the potential within, or will the magic control you?

Wild Magic Spells

1st-level Wild Magic feature

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class. Each of these spells count as a sorcerer spell for you, but do not count toward the total number of sorcerer spells you know.

Sorcerer LevelSpell
1Chaos Bolt
5Hypnotic Pattern
9Bigby's Hand

Unstable Power

1st-level Wild Magic feature

The source of your magic is unpredictable, prone to erratic outbursts when you use it, which is represented by your Instability score. As your Instability grows, you can feel the magic welling up inside you, ready to unleash itself.

When you finish a long rest, roll a d20. The number rolled becomes your starting Instability.

When you cast a spell using spell slots, roll a die as indicated by the table below. Add the result to your Instability score.

If your Instability ever becomes 21 or higher, you surge with magical energy: roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect. If that effect is a spell, it is too wild to be affected by your Metamagic, and if it normally requires concentration, it doesn’t require concentration in this case; the spell instead lasts for its full duration. After you have surged, your Instability resets back to 1.

Spell LevelInstability Die

Tides of Chaos

1st-level Wild Magic feature

When you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain advantage on the roll. Once you do so, you must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Before you regain the use of this feature, you can give in to the chaotic forces that fuel your magic after you cast a spell using spell slots. When you do so, you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table and regain the use of this feature. These surges do not reset your Instability.

Fluctuating Instability

6th-level Wild Magic feature

When a creature you can see within 60 feet makes an attack roll, an ability check or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to influence the result. You spend up to 3 sorcery points and roll the die that corresponds to that spell level on your Instability table.

You choose whether to apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty to the initial roll. You do this after the roll happens but before any effects of the roll occur. Whether you chose to apply a bonus or penalty, the number you rolled is also added to your Instability, potentially causing a Wild Magic Surge.

Modicum of Control

14th-level Wild Magic feature

You can control the chaos inside of you, at least slightly. Whenever you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table, you roll twice and can choose which effect occurs.

Volatile Bombardment

18th-level Wild Magic feature

While your Instability is 10 or higher, all damage dealt by your spells explodes (as long as you roll the maximum amount on a damage die, you can reroll it and add it to the total).

Wild Magic Surge table

Some effects cause you to become overloaded with primal, chaotic magic. When this happens, you roll on this table, which is an expanded version of the table found in the Player's Handbook.

If the effect is a spell, it is too wild to be affected by Metamagic, and if it normally requires concentration, it doesn’t require concentration and lasts for its full duration.

If you are not a sorcerer, the DM can replace mentions of sorcery points or Metamagic with one of your class resources. For example, a monk who surges and rolls 00 might have all their Ki points restored instead.

01For the next minute, you roll on this table at the start of each of your turns.
02You cast Haste on a random creature within 60 feet of you.
03You gain 60 feet of truesight for 1 minute.
04You fall asleep in a magical slumber, becoming unconscious for 1 minute. A creature can use an action to slap you awake.
05A modron chosen and controlled by the DM appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, then disappears 1 minute later.
06For the next hour, you can speak and understand all languages.
07You cast Fireball as a 3rd-level spell centered on yourself.
08For the next minute, you perceive all creatures around you to be spiders.
09You cast Magic Missile at a level equal to your highest level spell slot.
10You become Stunned until the end of your next turn.
11Roll a d10. You grow by a number of inches equal to the roll.
12Roll a d10. You shrink by a number of inches equal to the roll.
13You cast Confusion centered on yourself.
14Your movement speed is doubled for one minute, and opportunity attacks have disadvantage against you.
15For the next minute, you regain 5 hit points at the start of each of your turns.
16For the next 24 hours, you gain telepathy to a range of 60 feet. You and the target must share a language.
17You grow a long beard made of feathers that remains until you sneeze, at which point the feathers explode out from your face.
18Roll a d10. You become that many years younger.
19You cast Grease centered on yourself.
20For the next minute, your concentration cannot be broken.
21Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the next spell you cast in the next minute that involves a saving throw.
22For the next minute, you gain the benefits of the Sanctuary spell. You can attack and cast spells without the effect ending, but a creature who succeeds on its save is not affected again.
23Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. The Remove Curse spell can end this effect.
24Your skin turns a vibrant shade of green. The Remove Curse spell can end this effect.
25An eye appears on your forehead for the next minute. During that time, you have advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight.
26Your ears become massive, giving you advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing. They fade to their original size after 1 hour.
27For the next minute, you can cast spells with a casting time of 1 action as a bonus action.
28Your size increases by one size category for the next minute.
29You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see.
30You cast Seeming, making all creatures within 30 feet of you appear as cows for the duration.
31You are transported to the Astral Plane until the start of your next turn, returning to the space you previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied space.
32All creatures within 60 feet of you randomly change positions.
33The next spell you cast within 1 minute deals maximum damage.
34A patch of Rawsley starts growing at your location, and the land around you is enriched, as per the 8-hour version of Plant Growth.
35Roll a d10. You grow that many years older.
36You cast Detect Thoughts.
371d6 flumphs controlled by the DM appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of you and are frightened of you. They vanish after 1 minute.
38A diamond worth 250gp falls from the sky, hitting you on the head. You take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
39Your movement speed is halved for 1 minute.
40You cast Death Ward on yourself.
41Your shadow detaches and becomes a Shadow that is hostile to you. Until it is defeated, you cast no shadow.
42You turn into a potted plant until the start of your next turn. While a plant, you are incapacitated and have vulnerability to all damage. If you drop to 0 hit points, your pot breaks, and your form reverts.
43For the next minute, you can teleport up to 15 feet as a bonus action on each of your turns.
44A ripple goes through the weave around you. All creatures within 60 feet of you that are concentrating on a spell must succeed on a Constitution save against your spell save DC or lose concentration. You automatically fail this save.
45You cast Levitate on yourself.
46A Magisquirrel appears within 5 feet of you. It serves as your familiar for 1 hour, and then disappears back to where it came from.
47A Unicorn controlled by the DM appears in a space within 5 feet of you. It disappears after 1 minute.
48You cast Alter Self on yourself. You decide the changes.
49You can't speak for the next minute (including verbal components). Whenever you try, pink bubbles float out of your mouth.
50You suppress the immediate surge, but the energy remains in you. Within the next minute, you can unleash the surge as a bonus action, rolling again for the effect. If the effect lasts the full duration, you suffer one level of exhaustion.
51A spectral shield hovers next to you for the next minute, granting you +2 AC and immunity to Magic Missile.
52You cast Zone of Truth, affecting all creatures within 30 feet of you.
53You are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for the next 17 (5d6) days.
542 (1d4) random Mephits appear within 60 feet of you. They are hostile towards you, but disappear after 1 minute.
55Your hair falls out but grows back within 24 hours.
56You cast Lightning Bolt.
57Your fists catch fire. For the next minute, your unarmed strikes deal 3 (1d6) extra fire damage, and any flammable object you touch that isn't being worn or carried by another creature bursts into flame.
58You cast Faerie Fire centered on yourself.
59You regain all your spell slots of the lowest level you have expended.
60For the next hour, you leave a bright trail of illusory sparks behind you when you move. You have disadvantage on Stealth checks for the duration.
61For the next minute, you must shout when you speak.
62You cast Bane on yourself and all creatures within 30 feet of you.
63You cast Fog Cloud centered on yourself.
64You cast Antimagic Field, centered on yourself. The area does not move with you, and if you exit the area, the spell fades.
65You, and up to three creatures you choose within 30 feet of you take 22 (4d10) lightning damage.
66You cast Detect Magic. It lasts for 24 hours.
67You become Frightened by a random creature within 60 feet until the end of your next turn.
68You cast Summon Geyser, centered on yourself.
69You and a random creature within 60 feet become Charmed by each other for 1 minute. Taking damage ends this effect.
70You are overcome with glamour magic. You have advantage on all Charisma ability checks to interact with creatures for the next 24 hours.
71Your skin becomes hard as stone. You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute, but your movement speed is reduced by 10 feet.
72You cast Scorching Ray.
73You, and a random creature within 60 feet of you both become Poisoned for 2 (1d4) hours.
74The next time you are healed or you heal a creature with a spell within the next minute, the healing roll is maximized.
75You glow with bright light in a 30-foot radius for the next minute. This light is sunlight. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you is blinded until the end of its next turn.
76A small raincloud appears over your head, soaking you in cold water.
77You cast Polymorph on yourself. If you fail the saving throw, you turn into a sheep for the duration.
78You cast Skywrite one mile above you. The message are the last 10 words you uttered.
79Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in the air within 10 feet of you for the next hour.
80Your size decreases by one size category for the next minute.
81Your muscles grow to an impressive size. Your Strength score becomes equal to your highest ability score and you have advantage on Strength ability checks and saving throws for the next hour.
82A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes charmed by you for 2 (1d4) hours.
83Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 5 (1d10) necrotic damage. You regain hit points equal to the total damage dealt.
84You come to a brilliant insight, instantly learning the result of a single question, as if you had cast Commune.
85You cast Mirror Image.
86You become incredibly hungry. For the next 10 (3d6) days, you must eat triple your normal food intake.
87You cast Fly on a random creature within 60 feet of you.
88A white almiraj appears from your hat or other piece of clothing. It disappears after 1 minute.
89Each creature within 30 feet of you becomes invisible for the next minute. The invisibility ends on a creature when it attacks or casts a spell.
90You gain one skill proficiency of your choice. Roll a d20. On a 1-10, it lasts for 1 hour. On a 11-19, it lasts for 24 hours. On a 20, it lasts until you roll this effect again.
91If you die before you finish your next long rest, you come back to life after one minute as per the Reincarnate spell.
92You cast Armor of Agathys at a level equal to your proficiency bonus.
93Your eyes turn solid black. For the next 24 hours, you gain 120 feet of full-color darkvision, and you can see through magical darkness.
94The next Metamagic option you use within 1 minute is free.
95You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to piercing damage for the next minute.
96You cast Time Stop. When the effect ends, you gain one level of exhaustion.
97You restore your highest level spent spell slot.
98You are surrounded by faint, ethereal music for the next minute.
99You restore all your hit points.
00You restore all your sorcery points.