
About a days march from Covenant is the fortress of Wolfgarde, which guards the main road between Greystone and Covenant. This is the the headquarters of the Purple Legion and its main training facility for battlemages and spellbows. They accept only those who are strong of both arm and mind, and hone them to become elite soldiers of the League. Many who graduate from the arduous training go on to become officers.

Wolfgarde is a large fortress that sits in a valley straddling a small river. A wide bridge with arched supports joins the two halves of the castle. The north-eastern part is larger, and houses most of the people stationed here. The south-western tower serves as a guardpost.

All in all, around 500 soldiers live and train here. In an emergency, they are tasked with the defense of Covenant.

Statue of Tyr

A 50-foot tall granite statue of Tyr stands at the main entrance of the castle, straddling the road that leads out of the fortified gatehouse. The statue faces the courtyard and is clad in Purple Legion armor with his sword aloft. This is the patron deity of the force, and outdoor services are conducted here regularly.

Each of Tyr's feet is placed on a stone plinth, and soldiers who march out through the gate always touch the armored boot of the war god, which has polished the stone completely smooth.

Colonel Caerdan Starflame

(half-elf battlemage, LN, 77): Colonel of the Purple Legion, in overall command of the battlemages stationed here, and reporting only to General Lysander Breckenridge. Caerdan has worked his way up through the ranks.

Penelope Whitefeather

(human spellbow, LN, 35): Major of the Purple Legion, and commander of a regiment of spellbows. Expert archer and a brilliant strategist. She is young for her rank, and many believe she could go very far in the hierarchy, perhaps even become General someday.