Tel Brimen

Tel Brimen


Patron deity: Aegir

The village of Tel Brimen is situated at the end of a sandy bay surrounded by dense jungle. It is home to about 500 people, with about an equal split of wood elves and middins. The middins call the village Telabemi.

Getting to Tel Brimen is hard, as dangerous shoals lurk below the breaking waves, and the jungle is almost impenetrable. The skilled middin sailors have learned to navigate through the breaking waves to fish in nearby coral reefs or dive for pearls. Some even venture as far as Maeral or Alyn Iunaes to trade on small catamaran boats.

Most houses in the village are simple wooden constructions on stilts to avoid the tides, with thatched roofs and plenty of ventilation. The village sustains itself by fishing in the plentiful reefs and foraging through the dense jungle.

The Godhead

Right by the beach in the center of Tel Brimen stands a massive alabaster monolith in the shape of a humanoid head, looking out over the ocean. The middins who tend it say it is an image of Aegir, whom they are devoted to. This is also where business is conducted in the village, and several traders set up stalls here to peddle their wares.


(middin tempest cleric, CG): Keeper of the Godhead. Temutapa is a seapriest who has the ear of Aegir the Windlord. Reads omens of what the future holds by tossing seashells and interpreting how they fall.

Aranna nan Brimen

(wood elf, LN): Hunter who stalks the nearby jungles for prey. She sells meat, leather, and furs. She also sells more exotic parts of the animals, such as tailfeathers or horns, for the right price.


(green dragonborn, TN): Expert alchemist who studies the venomous animals of the jungle, especially snakes, to perfect his concoctions. He descends from a dragon that lives in the deepest parts of the Maerali jungle, Celaxis the Virulent.

Jessie Bellfeather

(half-elf sorceress, CG): Ice-cream vendor. Born with minor elemental powers, which she uses to freeze milk and fruit into delicious beach treats. Her signature flavor is her lime sorbet.


(middin, NG): Expert glassblower who makes, and collects, glass beads. His shop is middin-sized, only fitting his kiln, tools, and some display cases. Potoo has made beads of all the colors of the rainbow, and some are even enchanted.

With the right materials, Potoo can make beads for the Necklace of Prayer Beads.

Ahi the Pearldiver

(middin, NG): Pearldiver who paddles out every day to forage the reefs for pearl oysters. She wears a single midnight pearl in a leather strap around her neck. This was the first pearl she ever found. Can usually be found at the Pearldiver's Respite in the evenings, where her girlfriend Teinama works.

The Pearldiver's Respite

Comfortable inn

The village's only tavern and bunkhouse. Sits close to the Godhead, over the ocean. Here, fruity drinks are served to anyone who is thirsty. Their specialty, the Pano-Pano, is made with pineapple, homemade rum, and a raw oyster.


(middin, CG): Proprietor of the Respite and hobbyist distiller. Collects glassware that he serves his concoctions from - the stranger shapes the better.


(middin bard, CG): The daughter of [[#Hanu-Hanu], she is a troubadour who plays a bamboo pan flute to entertain the patrons of the Respite. She lives with her girlfriend Ahi in a small bungalow on the beach.

Sinadan nan Estiae

(wood elf, CN): Ex-thief who settled down here after scoring a big caper, out of reach of justice. Works the bar of the Respite, but mostly to hit on women.

Other inhabitants

Tel Brimen is not a big village, but the people who live there are generally welcoming to outsiders, especially those who bring opportunities for trade.

Nia Salma

(middin druid, CN): Shamaness who guides the spirits of the island.


(middin, CG): Master sailor who makes the journey up the Narrows to Alyn Iunaes several times per year in a catamaran sail canoe, bringing passengers and goods along for a fee. Sometimes she goes even further, if the winds and trade prospects are right. She loves the ocean, and rarely stays in port long. Her canoe is named Amako, middin for Eagle, and Maunina knows its every plank.


('Puffs', M tabaxi, CN): Runs a small tobacco plantation with his family. Their hand-rolled cigars are considered some of the best available, and fetch high prices when bought by rich nobles and merchants across the isles.

Arthur Whithorn

(human, LG): almiraj breeder. All his almirajes are bright white, and he keeps extensive records of their pedigrees.

Map: Czepeku FloatingVillage