

The current year.


The events of Campaign 2, where Philomeda the Scarlet Fury tried to reignite the Dragon War, but was stopped by intrepid adventurers. Callatis comes under the control of the Pilgrim Knights.


The merchants of Whitport forces Baron Ashworth to hold elections for his seat on the council, an event known as the ousting.


Artificers of the FTC discover a process to make boomdust at a large scale, enabling the use of cannons and firearms.


The Arid Frontier is settled by the FTC, and Fort Merrida is founded.


The United Archipelago joins the League, the last city-state to join.


The Archivists are founded.


The founding of Covenant and the establishment of the Estian League.


The founding of the Kingdom of Iacaris.


The fall of the Teccan Empire. Thimonos V, the last emperor, goes into exile and dies only a few years afterwards.


The Northern Islands rise in rebellion against the Empire, and defeat the Imperial navy in a large sea battle north of Maeral. This causes the Empire's grasp on the islands to falter, and other provinces soon seize their chance at independence.


The Pilgrim Knights are granted rulership over the island of Vanadis by Emperor Thimonos IV, in lieu of payment for a mercenary contract where they struck down a minor rebellion on the mainland.


Cressida Silverthorn and her Obsidian Synod discovers chronurgy magic.


Sira Blazefire, an alchemist in Greystone accidentally discover the process to make ashresin.


The Corcaster Rebellion, where King Sangon ruled over a shortlived kingdom of vampires before his forces were defeated in the Battle of the Midnight Sun.


The founding of the Pilgrim Knights.


The Amnoran Rebellion, which many historians see as the beginning of the Empire's collapse. Some elves still feel enmity towards the Empire for the brutal slaughter commited by the Legions.


The founding of Solstice.


Exactly 1000 years after the founding of his kingdom, Sverki the Unkneeling, the last Greatjarl of Kundamar, is killed in battle after refusing to submit his crown to the Emperor. The Empire gains control over all the Northern Islands and founds the city of Greystone. This is the point where the Empire was at its largest territorial extent.

ca 800

The height of power of the Teccan Empire.


The last major flare-up of the Dragon War. The final battle stood on Iacaris, when the Bladesinger Legion achieved a pyrrhic victory over a roost of white dragons.


The Regulan Revolts shake the Empire after the assassination of Emperor Belleron. For almost a century, the Empire descends into civil war.


The Empire gains control of Vanadis and Iacaris, and the Dwarven Kingdom of Kundamar pays tribute to the Empire.


The reigns of the Three Great Empresses, starting with Sacella the Blessed. During this time, Tec goes from a regional power to a continent-spanning empire and is ushered into an era of prosperity.


The founding of the Teccan Empire when Ausonius the Great conquered the two surrounding kingdoms, Arevapis and Dostria.


Svala the Diplomat, the first Greatjarl of Kundamar unites the dwarven clans of Estia under a single banner.

ca -400

The first mentions of the Aesir gods in religious texts.

ca -500

The first wizards learn to harness the power of the runes.

ca -800

The founding of Tel Edhil.

ca -2000

The first elves find their way from the Feywild to Midgard.