House Blaise

Prepared For Anything

Rulers of the County of Cottenhorn. It is the largest county in the League, but not the most populous.

Family members

Count Lucian

(human, CG, 49): Count of Cottenhorn. Held elections for the representative seat for Cottenhorn instead of awarding it to his wife, as would have been his right. This upset some of the other nobles, but greatly pleased the elected representatives of the Council. Is second cousins with Count Aurius Dawnstar.

Countess Sienna

(human, NG, 38): Married to Count Lucian. She comes from a simple farming background, but happened to catch Lucian's eye when she was selling fruit wines at the market, long before Lucian became the Count. At the time, Lucian's older brother was the heir presumptive to the titles of their father, so he was allowed to marry Sienna.

Lady Helena

(human, NG, 18): Daughter of Count Lucian and Countess Sienna.

Lord Leonard

(human, LN, 55): Brother of Count Lucian. Was the heir to the noble titles, but was struck by an unknown illness that left his mind boggled and unfit to rule. Clerics, physicians, wizards, and quacks have all examined Leonard, but none have been able to figure out what is wrong with him. In the meanwhile, Count Lucian takes care of his brother.