
Cottenhorn is an island with quite diverse nature, ranging from the great plains in the north, to the dense forests in the southern part. The harsh mountains that run along the island are home to several tribes of dwarves, giants, trolls and worse.

The inhabitants are as diverse as the rest of the Estian Sea, although there are more dwarves here than other places. The windswept coasts can be quite hostile in autumn, so a certain amount of self-sufficiency is traditional as a village might have to fend for itself during winter. Despite the high winds, the land is very fertile and wine from the vineyards of the southern half is highly sought after in the noble courts of the Estian Sea and beyond.


The County of Cottenhorn encompasses the whole island. It is the most independent city-state (a word that it stretches the definition of) in the League, and also one of the most populous. Count Lucian Blaise sits on his family's seat on the Council of Estia, and has given the other seat up for elections. Votes are only given to the oligarchic burghers of the towns of Cottenhorn, and they are represented on the council my Michael nan Cohornae.

Cottenhorn's coat of arms, shared with House Blaise, is four golden sheafs of wheat on an azure field.


The northern third of Cottenhorn is a great highland steppe, only interrupted by the Clarimede Basin, a large lake that cuts through the landscape and provides irrigation for the great fields of grain and cotton. The town of Roslake lies by the Clarimede, a center of the fluxsilk trade.

The tall mountains that divide the middle of the island in an eastern and western part are not impassable, but unless travelers know the route, it is very easy to get lost or wander into the territory of a troll or giant. The tribes of mountain dwarves that live here are gruff and hardy folk who keep to their traditions. While not openly hostile, they do not like outsiders.

The western side of the mountains, is dominated by the windswept plains along the great Glimmerspring river that flows from the mountains to the city of Heimdall's Anvil. It is the richest and most industrious part of the island. Here, raw materials from farms, mines, and logging camps across the island are refined into products that are shipped to Greystone and beyond on large flat-bottomed boats that can navigate the treacherous coasts.

The eastern side of the mountain range is scarcely inhabited at all, dominated by a large swamp. The few people who live here are doing so on their own, far from civilization.

In the south, large forests of elm and oak give rise to a lumber industry, primarily for ship building. The land that is reclaimed is usually used to grow grapes for wine. A clan of druids devoted to Skadi lives here and they have been trying to stop what they view as destruction of nature, with some success. Recently however the logging crews have hired more guards and have resumed operations.


The Bramblefort

In the middle of the Nettlerue Brambles lies a decrepit, overgrown fortress. Many years ago, this was a Teccan outpost, but has been long abandoned.

This has been claimed as the home of an adult black dragon named Aurtelax. The overgrowth itself protects the castle in the form of Shambling Mounds, Assassin Vines, and Corpse Flowers.

Sif's Stones

A small hill surrounded by seven monolithic blocks of stone. It is unknown who or what made this place, but the people of Cottenhorn have used them as a location for holding trials and other official proceedings.

Galeb Duhr, earth elementals

Tribe Snowscream

One of the last tribes of mountain dwarves on Cottenhorn, the Snowscream are fierce warriors who only rarely come down from the peaks to trade.

Svala Snowscream

(dwarf druid, LE): Leader of the Snowscream tribe. Wears a snow leopard skin, and carries a staff topped with an icemoil flower.

Eirik Snowscream

(dwarf barbarian, LN): The strongest fighter in the village, and son of Svala. He is always eager to showcase his strength.

Ruins of the Moonwarren

In the far north of Cottenhorn, in the part of forests where the Feywild is closest, was once the home to a tribe of Harengon. Recently, they were driven off their soil by a red dragon, who destroyed their village.

Wreck of the Icefalcon

The Icefalcon was a tradeship that took the northern route between Icestrand, Callatis, and Solstice, mostly carrying whale oil, gems, and furs, but haven't been seen for a while. A ship matching her description was reported beached far north of Deephaven.

Undead mariners? Cryodile?

Mistrock Peak

The tallest mountain of any island in the United Archipelago, its apex is almost always obscured by a dense mist.

Dragon of some kind? Lunar elves?


On the desolate northern shore of Cottenhorn a violent tribe of orcs have settled down. They raid the southern villages in longship canoes, leaving destruction in their wake. The orcs worship the Crone of Skulls, a warlike aspect of Hel. Of those who are captured during raids, the lucky ones are killed. The rest are taken as thralls, and are worked within an inch of their life.

Chieftain Ugluk

(orc barbarian, NE): Leader of the orcs and a fearsome fighter. He wields a massive greataxe, and he is always the first off the ship during raids. His helmet and armor are made from the bones of polar creatures.

Tergora the Cruel

(orc druid, CE): A murderous shaman who makes berserk-brew for orc raiders and sacrifices prisoners from raids in horrible rituals.

Death Dogs, Eyes of Gruumsh, lots of skull imagery