The Estian League

Elmtree Cove
Thornfall Hold
Stony Moors
The Black Forest
The Wheatplains
The Windward Coast
The Ore-chasm
Blacklake Gemworks
The Goldworks
Egoris' Tower
Silversilt Mines
Ruined Teccan Watchtower
Ristelior's Lair

The most populous polity in the isles, the human-dominated Estian League is a federation of city-states, formed in the aftermath of the Teccan Empire's collapse, some 250 years ago. The League is governed from Covenant by the Council of Estia, where nobles and elected leaders vote for the best course of action.

The League's coat of arms is a dark grey field with seven blue roses in a circle. Each rose represents one of the original seven city states. Each constituent city-state also has its own crest, usually shared with noble house that controls that land.

Each city-state keeps order in the lands around it, but there are big swaths of wilderness between the population centers, dotted with villages and hamlets where the people of the frontiers try to make a living.


In the years before the Empire fell, the Senate passed several emergency laws that taxed the provinces harshly in order to fund the giant machinery that was the Teccan state. This infuriated the populace, but fear of the Legions kept most of them at bay. However, the Northern Islands were the center of Teccan shipbuilding, and local leaders started agitating for freedom and independance. Among the leaders of this movement were Gideon Dawnstar of Greystone, Orson Tuveren of Owl Rock, Isobel Beckett, Ashley Blaise of Cottenhorn, Jarl Regla Greatbraid of Myrknes, Aelfin Sharvir, and several others.

On the spring equinox of 1187 AUC, leaders from Estia and Cottenhorn came together in Greystone and signed the Compact of Friendship. At that point, they were in open rebellion against the Empire. Emperor Thimonos V, desperate to keep his cracking realm together, reacted swiftly. He emptied the Empire's coffers, paying the Pilgrim Knights a fortune to join the conflict on his side.

A fleet of Imperial ships, bolstered by pirate mercenaries, sailed north with two legions on board. The legions landed south of Greystone, and quickly laid siege to the city. The Navy then sailed for Vanadis to ferry the Knights to Estia, but on the way there, they were ambushed north of Maeral by the newly formed Seaguard, commanded by Lord Gideon of House Dawnstar. In a stunning upset, most of the Imperial navy was sunk or captured.

With no ships to transport more troops to Estia, or even supply the troops already landed there, Lord Gideon's navy sailed for Greystone to relieve the defenders. However, the Imperials had successfully taken Greystone, and a new siege was started. With no hope for resupply, and the populace against them, the Legions lasted less than a month, before surrendering their dragon banners. For his victory, Lord Gideon was created Count of Greystone, a title his descendants still hold to this day. Gracious in victory, Lord Gideon let all who Teccan soldiers who desired stay in Estia do so as free men, which many did.

The news of the Legion's defeat at Greystone quickly made its way to the mainland, which triggered a series of additional revolts by provinces seeking their self-determination. With the legions overwhelmed and the imperial coffers empty, Emperor Thimonos V went into exile as the city of Tec fell into chaos.

Over the next few years, culminating on the summer solstice of 1193, seven cities on Estia and Cottenhorn agreed on a constitution for a new nation, free from monarchs. The League was born, and a new city was founded to serve as its capital: Covenant, named for the oath sworn by all seven cities.

The ten most influential noble families were given a permanent seat on the Council of Estia, but several of these houses have since gone extinct. Each member city was also assigned a seat. The Council elects their Speaker for a set term, and decisions need the approval of a majority of the members. Isobel Beckett, one of the architects of the League's constitution, was awarded the newly formed County of Covenant and unanimously elected as the first Speaker.

In 1210, Callatis joined the League. In 1290, the United Archipelago followed, ushered in by Baron Joseph Graceborne of Goldshore.


Estia is the biggest and most populous island in its eponymous archipelago. A number of smaller settlements and towns lie around its ore-rich mountains. The two biggest cities are Greystone and Covenant. The northern coast of Estia is sparsely inhabited compared to its southern coast, consisting mostly of windswept moors and dark forests. While the major roads are mostly safe, the wilderness between the cities is largely unkempt, and there is little telling exactly what or who lives there.

The second largest island is Cottenhorn, which is the largest city-state in the League, almost big enough to be considered a kingdom of its own. The city of Heimdall's Anvil is a major manufacturing center, where many types of goods are refined.

The many islands between Cottenhorn and Estia were absorbed into the League as the United Archipelago. The diverse islands are rich from goldmines and home to some of the finest ship-builders. Goldshore is the largest city here, and is one of the richest cities in the League.


The League only has a small standing army, the Purple Legion. Its first line of defense is instead the Seaguard, whose ships stand ready to intercept hostile forces before they can even set foot on League soil.


While most of the population of Estia lives in cities along the coast and rivers, there are many small hamlets and villages in the frontier countryside.

Mossmaw Pass

Almost exactly half-way between Greystone and Myrknes lies the most difficult part of that journey. The serpentine path goes up a steep slope, before passing beneath the Mossfjell, the most easternmost mountain in the range.

The Deepglades

Beyond Lake Tema lies the Deepglades, a large mangrove swamp. Small strips of dryer lands connect mossy "islands", where black dragons, ankhegs, and giant spiders make their lairs. The foothills of the Estian mountains are pierced with caves where orc tribes make their home. The orcs sometimes launch raids on the nearby mines and villages.

Greatjarl's Mausoleum

North of Kundamar, hewn into the mountainside is an immense stone door flanked by eroded statues. Behind the door lies the burial place of the greatjarls of the Old Kingdom, the dwarven realm that once controlled most of Estia, before the Empire conquered it.

Ruins of Snakemire

Snakemire was once a thriving village at the edge of the wheatplains, until it was destroyed by rampaging undead. The Purple Legion and the Pilgrim Knights managed to cleanse it, but the ruins have laid abandoned for many years.

Hag coven, aboleth, mind flayer?


In the deep parts of the Halcyon Glades, the Trollvatn is a small lake whose shores are said to be home to several tribes of trolls. The foragers and hunters from Jotunnadal almost always try to steer clear of it.

Spider caves that reaches all the way into the underdark

The Halcyon Glades

This dense wetland forest is home to green dragons, trolls, bandits, giant mosquitos, oozes, and other denizens of the deep woods.