House Delacroix

Never Stop Exploring

Unlanded halfling nobility from Goldshore in the United Archipelago.

Family members

Lord Jerome

(halfling, NG, 55) Lord Jerome sits on the Estian Council as representative from the United Archipelago. He is the only noble on the council who was elected to his post. Became head of the family at only 38 years old after both his parents died at sea.

Lady Ellie

(Halfling, LG, 51): Lady Ellie is married to Lord Jerome. She is lowborn, born to shipwrights in Goldshore.

Lord Henry

(halfling, CG, 19): Son of Lord Jerome. Dreams of becoming a bard, but is not particularly skilled in those arts.

Lady Felicity

(halfling cleric, LG, 26): Daugher of Lord Jerome, and Charitor of the Pilgrim Knights. Serves at the Pilgrim orphanage in Covenant. Not interested in politics, and only rarely uses her noble title.

Lord Gilbert

(halfling, LN, 48): Brother of Lord Jerome. Is a close friend of Count Aurius Dawnstar, and serves as his bodyguard and majordomo.