The United Archipelago

The United Archipelago spans a thousand islands between Estia and Cottenhorn, most of them uninhabited. The people who live in the archipelago has banded together to better represent their interests in the Council of Estia.


This city-state is unique in the League in that it is the only republic where a noble is still in power, as Lord Jerome Delacroix of Goldshore has proven a loyal servant of all the people who live here.

The archipelago is more racially diverse than the rest of the Estian League, with settlers of various descent having settled here.

Their crest consists of nine stripes, alternating white and blue, with a white seabird as a charge. The stripes symbolize the nine initial towns that banded together to join the League.



Water GenasiEnclave

Dominant culture: Maritime

Patron deity: Aegir

The biggest city in the United Archipelago. Named after the goldmine that lies just inland from it. Work is plentiful here, with both the Goldworks and the various shipyards hiring both skilled and unskilled hands.

The Goldworks

Open-air mine where gold-nuggets are picked out of the loose sand. Many tons of sand are dug up and sifted through before it is disposed of in great piles.

Chloe Stagwell

(human, LN): Foreman at the mine. Has a no-nonsense attitude to anything that can make a dent in her deliverables.

The Magicademy

The Magicademy is an Archivist institute for higher learning in Goldshore. It only admitting those who have already completed several years of study at another Archive, and rarely has more than two dozen scholars working at any one time. The mages of the Magicademy regularly go on expeditions to places of magical interest, sometimes assisted by the Seaguard.

Tara Starmantle

(human, LG, 61): Loremaster of the Archivists and head researcher at the Magicademy. She is a very gifted wizard, and was one of the top contenders for Archmage.

Seaguard Hold

The headquarters of the Seaguard, the League's navy. This fortified harbor houses some of the largest and most advanced shipyards in the League. Usually, half a dozen warships are anchored here, but the Hold has facilities for many more.

The commander of the Seaguard is Admiral Constance Arbrintirel, who is highly respected among both the officers and the sailors. She is considered one of the best fencers in the Estian sea.

Some of the warships that are stationed here are the Swordforger, Crow, Defiant, Goldracer, as well as Myrmidon, the two-decker flagship of Admiral Constance.


The shipyards of Goldshore make both small island-hopping vessels as well as larger ships for trade. Their craft does not come cheap, but is of very high quality.

Master Oliver Oakweather

(halfling, LN): Expert shipbuilder. A fierce negotiator, but he and his crew will work night and day if they are paid well.

Other businesses

Peter Blueford

(human journeyman alchemist, NG): Sells various potions, mostly healing ones, in a small store in town.

Dael Foxlily

(halfling, LG): Runs a small rabbit farm. She sells delicious sausages and furs in a small stall at the town market.

Pearl diver

Jeweler, gnome




Dominant culture: Maritime

Kiniden is a large island just outside Greystone Bay. The eponymous main village on its north-western coast is one of only a handful of elven-majority settlement in the Estian League.

The landscape on the island is mostly hilly plains, with few trees. The southern coast is tall, sheer cliffs that are exposed to the ocean. There are several caves along the coast.

The main export from Kiniden is wool from its many sheep farms. It is not unusual for sheep to wander into the village.

Shrine of Freya

A small Pilgrim Knights outpost, staffed by a single Charitor. Those who pray at the altar in the single-room shrine are granted the effect of the Aid spell.

Harwyn nan Maeral

(wood elf, LG): The lone Charitor tender of this shrine.

Carver's Retreat

A monastery lies just outside the village of Kiniden. The monks here rely on the villagers to bring them food, and in return they serve as defenders of the village. Around 50 monks live an ascetic life of contemplation and discipline here.

The monks follow the Way of the Runes, meditating on the meanings of the magical runes and recording their findings by carving them into massive monolith stones that litter the rocky landscape. A single monk might take a decade to finish a single stone. The central building houses a shrine to Odin, whom they revere as the source of the magic of the runes.


(wood elf, TN): Master runecarver at the monastery. Long white hair that flows in the wind. Prefers to work on magical woods, such as glowoak or ironwood, and has created some truly spectacular pieces. Has a Jera Floating Rune.


(human, TN): Adept runecarver working to become a Master. Once the scion of house Tuveren, he renounced his title and joined the monastery.

Smuggler's Cave

About 5 miles east of village Kiniden lies a well hidden cave only accessible by small boats when the tide is correct. The land-route to the cave is blocked by a muddy marsh. This cave is used by a smuggler gang as a stop on the route to Greystone and Estia proper. The smugglers have fortified the cave best they can

Tower of Gwineras

Overlooking a ravine stands a narrow tower. This is the tower of the wizard Gwineras (gnome, LN), who is convinced this place lies on the intersection of two important leylines. Therefore, he has built his tower here. Gwineras is an Archmage who spends his days researching. He lives alone, but has an enchanted stone golem servant whom he calls Django.