House Sharvir

Valiant In Victory

sharvir, lit 'Green-Flower'. Unlanded elven nobles from Greystone. One of the last noble full-blooded elven families who still live in the League.

Family members

Lord Adonar

(high elf, TN, 177): The head of house Sharvir, Lord Adonar is a great patron of the arts, keeping many of Greystone's painters and musicians under his wing. Owns the Ember Club.

Lady Silana

(high elf, LN, 160): Wife of Lord Adonar. Originally of House Thalvirdine, but moved to Greystone to pursue her passion for painting, and met Lord Adonar.

Lady Thalwen

(half-elf, TN, 101): Daugher of Lord Adonar from his first marriage. She is an accomplished horse-breeder who has raised many winners at the Oakhead Downs.

Lord Cildan

(high elf, NG, 55): Son of Lord Adonar. Married to Lord Montgomery.

Lord Montgomery

(human, LG, 25): Husband of Cildan.

Manor Sharvir

In the center of Greystone's Lakeside district lies a large Teccan-style villa. Its courtyard is decorated with exquisite mosaics and surrounded with arcades.