Aurora nan Estiae

DnD Beyond

High Elf Circle of Stars Druid (Archeologist, NG, 59)

Aurora nan Estiae

Aurora nan Estiae

Race High Elf
Class Circle of Stars Druid
Background Archeologist
Alignment NG
Age 59

I have consulted the stars, and I agree with your plan."

"Star's blessings, friend."

"Behold the wrath of the heavens!"

"I have foreseen your demise, fiend!"

Aurora was born in Greystone to elven parents, and proved adept with magic at an early age. She was sent to Tel Edhil to be taught at the Stargarden, the elven magic school. There, she learned the way of the druids under the tutelage of master Aelo Tenelbrin, an old and wise druid.

After her studies, she was part of an expedition led by a halfling explorer named Amos Cavemint to explore an old Teccan ruin on Iacaris. Deep inside the ruins, she found the shield she now wields and was immediately drawn to it. She owes a big favor to Amos for letting her keep the shield. From the shield, she learned to map the skies, and to read the secrets that are written there.

She was also part of an expedition that explored the regions of the Feywild that lies closest to Tel Edhil. During this expedition she saved a fey spirit of the woods from a marauding Quickling. The spirit, which she calls Ladreor ('Hidden one'), allows her to call upon an echo of him using various summoning spells. Their friendship also manifests as a deeper connection with the Feywild's magic.

Aurora wields the magical power of the heavens, channeling it through her shield, which is a circular wooden disc decorated with intricate marquetry in concentric circles, depicting star patterns. The circles can rotate, revealing different constellations. It can also project (obviously illusory) images of constellations above it.

Old places fascinate her, as there is usually much lost knowledge waiting to be found there. The greatest find would be the long-lost research of Tenelie Sildoren. According to the legends that surround her, Tenelie was the greatest astronomer that has ever lived, and she is said to have ascended into the stars herself when she died.


Always hungry for knowledge, she is a follower of Odin, as his knowledge of the world and heavens is without equal. If possible, she spends her trances under the stars, thinking of new ways to connect them.


  • I have no qualms about taking items from tombs, if they are old enough. Of course, how old they need to be depends on the value of the item in question.
  • I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplation, becoming oblivious to my surroundings. This happens more often if I can see the stars.


  • Knowledge: You can keep the gold and gems we find as long as I get the books and scrolls. (Neutral)
  • Beauty: I live to witness the unsurpassed splendor of the stars. (Good)


  • I want to find the lost research of Tenelie Sildoren, the greatest elven astronomer that has ever lived.


  • I put too much trust in the omens I read in the sky.


Aurora has raven hair that she keeps in a headband, and bright blue eyes that are speckled with gleaming dots like stars. She wears a deep blue set of leather armor, and a black hooded cape over it. She does not wield a weapon, but does carry a shield.


Aurora's magic is highly star-themed, and especially so when she enters her Starry Form. In her Starry Form, she projects a translucent image with the greens, blues, and purples of an aurora around her of the constellation she embodies. Within that image, hovering stars shed light around her. Aurora's form can still be seen within the image, but obscured by the magic.

  • Constellation: Archer: An image of an eladrin wielding a starry longbow.
  • Constellation: Chalice: An image of a human maiden, and her shield becomes the starry cup.
  • Constellation: Dragon: An image of a winged dragon, although far smaller than the real thing.
  • Produce Flame: Blue-green-purple fire that she hurls from her hands.
  • Guidance: Produces a small floating mote of starlight that circles the target's head.
  • Faerie Fire: Targets are coated in the multi-colored glow of an aurora.
  • Detect Magic: Aurora's eyes glow blue while the spell is active.
  • Misty Step: Aurora disappears with a small flash of light, leaving only a shower of star-motes.
  • Summon Beast and Wild Companion: Aurora summons the same spirit each time, taking different forms. The spirit is that of a minor fey named Ladreor that she befriended during her early adventures.
  • Guiding Bolt: Aurora pulls a pearlescent bolt from the skies, and the enemy is impacted from above, even indoors.
  • Augury: She reads the images projected by her Star Map, as she turns the circles, revealing new constellations.

When Aurora uses her Wild Shape, her preferred beast form is that of a jet black panther, whose eyes are the same blue as Aurora's.

Level 4: Take a level of Knowledge cleric

Bring in more runes in the imagery? Maybe if she becomes a cleric.

Cleric spells of note:

  • Sacred Flame: Better cantrip, can replace Produce Flame with Shillelagh or more utility.
  • Can bring Healing Word, Cure Wounds, Bless, PFEG, freeing up preparation slots for druid spells.

The next ASI is probably Resilient: Con, followed by +2 Wisdom