Sif, Goddess of Justice


Sif, Goddess of Justice

The Shield constellation

Clerical DomainsOrder, War, Peace
ClassesFighter, Paladin, Monk
BackgroundsSoldier, Noble, Sage
Other namesLawbringer, Shieldmaiden, Oathkeeper
Symbols and materialsScales, Shield, Fehu (f), Sapphire, Rowan, Lilies, Scrolls

Sif's domain is that of blind justice. She punishes those who do wrong, but forgives those who repent. Calling on Sif the Oathkeeper to witness a pledge is not something one does lightly. Her scales represents not only the balance between right and wrong, but also the balance of nature and civilization. Her connection with the lawful order of society has made Sif commonly worshipped among gnomes.

Sif is often depicted wearing a black-and-white stola and a cloth headband adorned with a fleur-de-lis. Her hair is long and golden, with a single tuft of dark hair. Many of her clerics also wear similar dress.

Divine Relationships

Sif is the wife of Thor, and her influence is one of the few things that can calm his storm. Travelers often thank Sif when rain and wind subsides.

Sif's favor

Sometimes doing the right thing requires sacrifice, something that champions of Sif are usually well acquainted with. Walking the narrow road between good and evil is a lonely path.

Ideals of Sif

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)

Justice Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. (Lawful)

Loyalty My word is everything to me. (Lawful)

Humility Only by admitting our weaknesses can we improve. (Good)

Truth Lies will be exposed, as will those who peddle in them. (Lawful)

Reckoning My enemies will get their due without mercy. (Evil)

Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Sif when you expand the influence of justice by committing acts such as these:

  • Bringing criminals to justice or carrying out the sentence
  • Admit wrongdoing on your part and seek atonement from those you have wronged
  • Exposing lies and deceit in a community
  • Keep an oath or promise, especially if doing so came at personal cost
  • Be charitable to the poor

Your piety score to Sif decreases if you diminish her influence, contradict her ideals or otherwise ridicule her through acts such as these:

  • Willingly break a just law, or let someone else escape justice for such an act
  • Frame an innocent person
  • Dishonor your word
  • Abandon your allies in their time of need

Sif's Devotee

Piety 3+ Sif trait

You can cast Command once per long rest, calling on Sif's voice of authority.

Sif's Adherent

Piety 10+ Sif trait

Sif has deputized you in the pursuit of justice. You can cast Zone of Truth once per long rest.

Sif's Disciple

Piety 25+ Sif trait

The embrace of the Lawbringer protects you. You gain resistance to psychic damage and you have advantage on saving throws to end or avoid the Frightened condition.

Champion of Justice

Piety 50+ Sif trait

You can increase your Strength or Wisdom by 2 and also your maximum for that score by 2.