Expanded Weapons

If a weapon is on both this table and the one in the PHB, this one takes priority.

Unarmed StrikeSimple Melee1 bludgeoning
SickleSimple Melee1d4 slashingFinesse, Light, Keen
TomahawkSimple Melee1d4 slashingFinesse, Light, Thrown(30/60)
SeaxMartial Melee1d6 slashingLight, Keen
Chain WhipMartial Melee1d6 slashingReach
FalchionMartial Melee1d8 slashingKeen
SlingSimple Ranged1d6 bludgeoningAmmunition(30/120)
SlingshotSimple Ranged2d4 bludgeoningTwo-handed, Ammunition(20/40), Explode
BlowgunMartial Ranged1d4 piercingAmmunition(30/120)

Additional weapon properties


Attacks with this weapon deal a critical hit on a 19.


This weapon gains extra properties when wielded with two hands. For example, a war-spear has the Versatile(1d8, reach) property, which means it gains a bigger damage die and the Reach property when wielded with two hands.


Damage dealt by this weapon explodes. As long as you roll the maximum number on the die, you can roll the die again and add it to the total.


When thrown, weapons with this property return you your hand, hit or miss.

Exotic Weapons

Some weapons require special training to use effectively. These are often culture-specific, and the knowledge to make and use them might be closely guarded. To acquire proficiency in these weapons, you must train for it.

ChakramExotic Melee1d6 slashingFinesse, Light, Thrown(20/40), Returning
KatarExotic Melee1d6 piercingFinesse, Light, Keen
KatanaExotic Melee1d8 slashingFinesse, Keen, Versatile(1d10)
GreatspearExotic Melee1d8 piercingReach, Versatile(1d10)
BoomerangExotic Ranged2d4 bludgeoningThrown(30/60), Returning
WarbowExotic Ranged1d10 piercingAmmunition(100/400), Two-handed, Heavy, Special

The warbow is very heavy to draw. You can add both your Strength and Dexterity modifier to the damage dealt by warbow attacks.

Combined Weapons

Some exotic weapons are combinations of other weapons, letting you switch between two different weapon types at will, no action required. In order to learn to use one of these combined weapons, you need to be proficient with all the constituent weapons.

When using one of these weapons, it only has the properties of the type of weapon it is being used as. For example, a level 5 Fighter using a staffsling can attack once with it as a sling using Dexterity for 1d4 bludgeoning damage, before closing the distance and attacking in melee using Strength for 1d8 bludgeoning damage.

If you have any features which affect one of the constituent weapons, that feature only affects a combined weapon if it is being used like that weapon. For example, our Fighter from above could use Polearm Master to make an extra attack if they had attacked atleast once with the staffsling as a quarterstaff.


(shortsword and whip) A swordwhip consists of a segmented blade that can be pulled taut into a sword, or relaxed into a flexible whip.


(quarterstaff and sling) A staffsling is a quarterstaff with a sling attached to the top for extra leverage. It is a signature weapon among the smallkin on southern Cottenhorn.


(double-bladed scimitar and longbow) Some elves, especially those who live in the Feywild, use a special type of longbow where both limbs are sharp blades, letting it be used in ranged and melee combat interchangably.


Firearms are powerful ranged weapons, but they cannot be easily reloaded in combat once fired. Shots from firearms can be heard up to a 600 feet away. Proficiency with firearms is considered an exotic weapon proficiency.

The table below shows different firearm types. It is divided into three tiers, renaissance, western, and modern. Renaissance weapons deal heavy damage, but take a long time to load. Western weapons introduce the cartridge, giving rise to repeating fire. Modern firearms are powerful weapons of war, capable of dealing immense damage.

Flintlock Pistol7 (2d6) piercing20/40Light, Loading50gp
Flintlock Musket11 (2d10) piercing30/90Two-handed, Loading100gp
Blunderbuss15 (6d4) piercing10/20Two-handed, Heavy, Loading250gp
Hand Mortar19 (3d12) piercing20/60Two-handed, Heavy, Loading, Emplaced500gp
Derringer5 (2d4) piercing10/20Discreet, Light350gp
Revolver7 (2d6) piercing30/60Light750gp
Lever-action Rifle9 (2d8) piercing60/180Two-handed1250gp
Twin-barrel Shotgun15 (6d4) piercing15/30Two-handed, Heavy1500gp
Hunting Rifle13 (2d12) piercing100/300Two-handed, Heavy, Loading2000gp
Gatling Gun16 (3d10) piercing50/150Two-handed, Heavy, Automatic, Emplaced2500gp
Handgun10 (3d6) piercing40/80Light2500gp
Submachine Gun13 (3d8) piercing60/180Two-handed, Automatic4000gp
Pump-action Shotgun20 (8d4) piercing20/40Two-handed5000gp
Assault Rifle16 (3d10) piercing150/450Two-handed, Automatic7500gp
Belt-fed Machine Gun22 (4d10) piercing100/300Two-handed, Heavy, Emplaced, Automatic12000gp
Sniper Rifle19 (3d12) piercing200/400Two-handed, Heavy, Emplaced15000gp

Firearm properties

Loading: The weapon needs time to reload before it can be fired again once empty. You can only attack once per turn with this weapon, and you need an empty hand in order to reload.

Emplaced: A weapon designed to be used in the same spot with a bipod or other support. You cannot attack with this weapon and move on the same turn.

Automatic: An automatic weapon can be used to suppress an area. As an action, you can force each creature in a 10-foot sphere centered on a point within the weapon's short range to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equals 8 + prof + dex) or take damage as if they had been hit by the weapon.

Range: Generally, a one-handed firearm has a long range that is double its normal range, while a two-handed one has a long range that is triple its normal range. Shotguns are exceptions, and follow the rules for one-handed firearms.


Ammunition is costly to make. Its price is dependant on the size of the damage die used by the weapon (the number of dice rolled is irrelevant to the price, just the size of the die).

Bullet typePrice (per dozen)Note
d41gpShotgun pellets
d61gpHandgun and other small calibers
d85gpIntermediate calibers
d1010gpLarge calibers
d1250gpVery large or specialized calibers

A character can make up a dozen bullets of a given type in an hour (can be done during a short rest) with the proper supplies (lead and powder of the requisite value, and gunsmith's tools).

Firearm feats


You like when things explode. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain +1 Dexterity, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency with Renaissance Firearms and Gunsmith's Tools.
  • You learn the Hunter's Mark spell, and can cast it once per short rest using this feature. You can also cast it using any spell slots you have.


Requires proficiency with a firearm

You have become very quick at handling your weapons. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain +1 Dexterity, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have advantage on initiative checks.
  • On the first round of combat, you can make an attack with a firearm as a bonus action.

Guns Akimbo

Requires proficiency with a firearm

You specialize in fighting with one firearm in each hand. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain +1 Dexterity, to a maximum of 20.
  • You do not suffer disadvantage when you make ranged attacks while an enemy is within 5 feet of you.
  • You can draw a firearm as part of the attack you make with it, and you can reload two Light firearms at the same time.

Anatomical Knowledge

Requires proficiency with a firearm

You can hit them where it hurts the most. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain +1 Intelligence or Wisdom, up to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in Medicine or Nature. If you already have proficiency in your chosen skill, you gain Expertise.
  • Your attacks with firearms deal a critical hit on a 19.

Firearm items

Gunsmith's Tools

Tool, mundane

A collection of tools to both create and maintain firearms and ammunition. The set includes drills, files, and saws, as well as equipment for casting bullets and weighing out powder.

Pirate's Axegun

Weapon (handaxe and flintlock pistol), uncommon

A large flintlock pistol with an attached axe-head, for when the pistol shot was not enough.

Mad Jane's Caravan Protector

Weapon (lever-action rifle), rare (requires attunement)

This rifle belonged to 'Mad' Jane Westerling, who once single-handedly fought off a whole herd of rampaging Ankheg with it. The rifle is very well made, with silver inlay on the blued barrel and a stock made from ironwood.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon. On a critical hit, the target becomes Stunned until the end of your next turn. Additionally, while holding the rifle, you can cast Zephyr Strike once per short rest.


Weapon (revolver), very rare (requires attunement)

This revolver once belonged to the outlaw Jesse Winshaw, who once held up a dozen coaches in a single day. It is made from pitted dark metal and has bright white dragon-ivory handles.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic revolver, which deals 1d6 extra necrotic damage on a hit. Additionally, you gain 2d6 + your level of temporary hit points if you reduce a creature that isn't an undead or a construct to 0 hp with it.

The Big Iron

Weapon (revolver), rare (requires attunement)

This large revolver once belonged to the bounty hunter ranger who killed the legendary outlaw Texas Red.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon and while it is on your hip, you have advantage on Intimidation and Initiative checks. On the first round of combat, you can make one additional attack with this weapon as a Bonus Action.

After you have scored one and nineteen more killing blows against humanoids with this weapon, its magical bonus increases to +2.

Mk.9 Special-Ops

Weapon (sniper rifle), legendary (requires attunement)

This state-of-the-art sniper rifle has been lightened and fitted with a silencer. It does not have the Emplaced and Heavy properties, and its shots can only be heard to a range of 120 feet. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.

In addition, it has a bipod that grants advantage to all attacks with the weapon while prone and a night-vision scope that grants 300 feet of darkvision while aiming the rifle. This darkvision pierces magical darkness.

Silver Bullet

Consumable (ammunition), uncommon

This bullet is specifically made to counter shapechangers. If you hit a shapechanger with it, they must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or revert to their original form and be unable to change shape again for 1 minute.