
Shimmerbrooke is a village a few days ride north of Covenant. It is a majority-gnomish settlement. Next to the town is the Shimmertarn, a small lake whose surface seems to pearlesce in the mornings. The locals insist that the waters are home to a monster that they call "Toothy".


Almost everything in Shimmerbrooke is gnome-sized. Larger people who travel through here are unlikely to find things very comfortable.

The Pony Keg

Comfortable inn

The Keg is the central meeting point of the city. They have a few beds that are human-sized.

Agnetha Jadesong

(gnome, NG): Proprietor of the Keg.

Shrine of Sif

On a small hill overlooking the lake, several runestones have been erected in a circle. This is the Shimmermoot, a hallowed place to Sif, the goddess of justice.

Traxus Greywatcher

(gnome order cleric, LN): Cleric of Sif and attendant of the Shimmermoot. He is also the commander of the small force charged with upholding the law and defending the village from outside threats.

Merchants and artisans

Shimmerbrooke is an industrious community. The amount of coin that flows through its businesses is much greater than what its size might suggest. This concentration of riches has also put it on the radar of ruffians and bandits.

Mickin Whitelock

(gnome, LG): Gemcutter who facets gems into complicated shapes.

Angus Tumblestone

(human ranger, LN): Owner of Tumblestone Truffles. Angus raises giant truffle pigs and uses them to forage in the surrounding forests. His truffles are highly prized by the nobles of Covenant. His best pig is a sow named Molly. Angus and Molly can usually be seen heading into the forest at first light. He is a bit of an outsider in the village, but he knows the surrounding nature very well.

Rosie Hornmyrtle

(halfling, CG): Herbalist with a large garden. She grows Sun Carrots for the non-gnomish miners.

The Ore-chasm

The main source of income for the village lies about a half days ride north of town. This mine is rich in copper and silver ore. It is also a good source of various types of gems.

Colette Cogfurnace

(gnome, LN): The foreman of the mine.