
Uller's Hall
The Jotunnguard
Halfmoon Tannery


Founded in 24 AE.


Dominant culture: Agrarian

Patron deity: Uller

The village of Jotunnadal lies on the main road between Covenant and Greystone, straddling the Trollstream, a slow-moving murky river. It is one of few safe havens for those who travel the road through the southern Halcyon Glades.

The villagers are mostly dwarves, with a smattering of humans and halflings. Many of town's inhabitants earn their living serving the traders, travelers, and adventurers who come through here.

A large chunk of the town's income also comes from the fur trade, as the surrounding woods are home to many beasts. Parties of hunters and trappers are common to meet on the surrounding roads. Many rare herbs and trees also grow in there, and the Trollstream is rich in silphium.


Most buildings are low wooden houses, but some are hewn into cliffsides.

Uller's Hall

This massive longhouse sits on the highest point of the town, overlooking the Trollstream. Feasts here can accomodate two hundred guests comfortably. In the main hall, above the table of honor, is a wooden statue of Uller, the god of hunting. Guests sit on furs by low tables, and along the length of the main hall runs a firepit, which keeps feasts here warm long into the night.

This is the home of Chief Hakon of Clan Truthweaver, who rules over Jotunnadal.

Fenwen Atiltirel

(wood elf, LG): Attendant of the shrine of Uller here. She is a priestess of the hunt who hold services here for those who go out into the forest. She sometimes joins in the hunt herself, dressed in green-and-brown hooded leathers and wielding a longbow.

The Half-way Hearth

Modest inn

With a roaring fire going at all times of day, stepping into the Hearth feels like a warm hug. The only problem, that hug is coming from an unwashed drunk - the odor of stale beer hangs heavy over this inn. Thankfully, the staff are friendly and the ale is cheap. There are also bunkrooms where travelers on a budget can stay for cheap.

There are usually a few tables doing some sort of gambling, be it with cards or dice. Bar brawls are also not entirely uncommon, although those who don't know when to stop are usually ejected afterwards.

Wilhelm Westwind

(human, ng): Proprietor and owner. Brother of William Westwind.

Hellebore Cottonbranch

(bard, cg): Resident troubadour, who recites bawdy poetry and plays the lute. Loved by the patrons of the Hearth, and many of his dirty limericks have spread across Estia.

The Duke's Crown

Wealthy inn

The Duke's Crown is the premier entertainment establishment in Jotunnadal, atleast according to its owners. A large common room takes up most of the bottom floor, filled with plush chairs and private booths. The bar carries oak-aged firewater and Arastmead, albeit at steep prices.

On the top floor, along a balcony overlooking the common room, several exquisitely furnished rooms are available. This inn caters to those who travel with a heavy coin purse, giving them an evening's respite from the hardships of the road. The Crown also offers expensive bathhouse amenities to those who pay for it.

William Westwind

(human, ln): Proprietor and owner. Brother of Wilhelm Westwind.

Flokla Ironfist

(dwarf, ng): Runs the bathhouse, providing hot water baths and massages to those weary from travel.

Vargleif Sagekeeper

(dwarf, tn): Master dragonchess player (+9) who can usually be found in the common room, taking on all challengers. He plays with a set of solid silver dragons, that he claims to have won in a game against an actual silver dragon.

Both inns are owned by the Westwind brothers, who have a long-standing feud. They keep causing trouble for the other one, and both have been in trouble with the law over it.

  • Inheritance?
  • Love triangle?

Half-way Square

Several smaller businesses line the main road through town. At the center of town, just past the bridge on the western side of town stands a large hexagonal stele of deep purple obsidian that is covered in knotwork runes, the work of Ragnar Amberhelm. This stone marks the half-way point on the journey between Covenant and Greystone, and it is customary for travelers to rest here. The runes on the stele is a short poem written by the Chief himself, that the townsfolk know well:

By the roads far and wide
You have come to our divide
Now let your nose be your guide
To the meat by our fireside
When you again are fortified
You can go forth with pride

Sigrid Ironstriker

(dwarf, NG): The owner of the Ironstriker Smithy, and an expert weaponsmith. While she doesn't let it on, she loves to haggle probably more then the adventurers that pass through her shop. Dreams of forging a masterpiece weapon, capable of great deeds like in the stories.

Ragnar Amberhelm

(dwarf rune knight, LN): Master runecarver and proprietor of Ragnar's Runestones ('For all your runestone needs!'). His creations can be seen all over town, as most signs for roads and businesses are carved by him. Uses a very intricate knotwork style for his runes. Prefers to carve in stone, but also does wood, since it is cheaper and faster.

Daphne Whitewood

(human alchemist, TN): Alchemist and herbalist who has a small stall ('The Witches' Apothecary') in the market. She sells healing salves and ointments, but also more powerful potions brewed from plants and mushrooms that she buys from rangers who forage the Halcyon Glades.

Perina Mintsnap

(gnome, LG): Perina is a duck farmer. She has a large pen of ducks by the river, where she herds her flock with warbling whistles. Duck meat is a favorite of many inhabitants of Jotunnadal, and is frequently served by the Jarl and at the inns.

Trollstream Bridge

The bridge at the center of town. The stone bridge is low and wide, allowing for heavy carts to pass over. Local legend says trolls built it a long time ago, but this is most likely false.

The Jotunnguard

The town is guarded by a small militia, made up of able-bodied townsfolk. They man the gatehouses and patrol the city streets. They also patrol the roads that lead away, but this does not mean that they are devoid of danger.

Katla Stormshield

(dwarf paladin, LG): Captain of the Jotunnguard. A sturdy woman with her red hair in two large braids. who does not tolerate her orders not being followed.

Halfmoon Tannery

This tannery processes hides from animals hunted in the Halcyon Glades. Most of the people who work here are the ramins of a tribe of goliaths, who settled down here after their mountain village was razed by a dragon some 15 years ago.

Pekka Halfmoon

(goliath, NG): Owner of the tannery and eldest among the goliaths. Gruff and sad about losing his home.