Dwarven Clans

All the dwarves in the Estian nobility are hill dwarves. Their mountain dwarf cousins live in much smaller societies far from the city-states and mostly do not interact with the politics of the League. Dwarven society is matrilineal, with the oldest daughter inheriting them. Sons can only become Jarl or Chieftain if they do not have any sisters. However, dwarves have fewer children on average than humans, and thus it is not that uncommon for males to inherit.

The highest dwarven title is that of Greatjarl, but there has not been a Greatjarl since the Empire invaded Estia in the year 841 AUC. The second highest title is Jarl, and only a single Jarldom remains today, that of Myrknes. The lowest ruling title is that of Chief. Several dwarven chiefs rule over small dominions.

Clan Greatbraid

By the Sword

Holds the Jarldom of Myrknes, a rank equal to a county. They are the highest ranking dwarven noble house in the League.

Jarl Murkla

(dwarf, LN, 101): Current head of Clan Greatbraid.

Lord Stremel

(dwarf, NG, 93): Jarl Murkla's husband. Was born on the mainland.

Lady Kaisa

(dwarf, TN, 55): Eldest daughter of Jarl Stremel and Lady Murkla.

Clan Dragonbrand

Scale and Tooth

Clan Dragonbrand are the once-glorious remnants of the ruling house of the dwarven kingdom that held Estia before the Empire invaded. They have since dwindled from being Greatjarls of Estia into only holding the Chiefdom of Kundamar.

Chief Runhilde

(dwarf, LE, 92): Chief Runhilde was married to Ragnar, but he went into an undiscovered part of the Kundarmar cave systems and have not been heard from since.

Wants to marry her son to Lady Kaisa, which would unite the two largest dwarven clans. Perhaps then, the foreign invaders will be forced to treat the dwarves as true equals.

Lady Sirja

(dwarf, LN, 88): When Chief Runhilde's husband was declared dead, she somewhat scandalously married her dead husband's sister.

Lord Bodvar

(dwarf, LE, 45): Son and heir of Chief Runhilde from her first marriage.

Clan Truthweaver

At Your Service

Chief Hakon Truthweaver

(dwarf, LG, 144): The Chief of Jotunnadal. Swears fealty to Count Aurius of Greystone. He is a wise and fair ruler who has ruled for almost 70 years. He is very old, with snow-white hair and beard, and quite hard of hearing. He is also childless, and who will succeed him is unclear.

Clan Ambermane

Riches of the Sea

Clan Ambermane rules over Vargavakt in northern Cottenhorn. They are named for both their distinctive ginger hair color, and the fact that their lands are rich in amber.

Chief Eirik

(dwarf, LE, 69)

Lady Runvaldis

(dwarf, LN): Born of Clan Dragonbrand and married Chief Eirik after they met at a summer solstice feast in Myrknes.