House Tuveren

For the Realm

Holds the County of Owl Rock, three days ride south of Covenant. Their ancient family seat at Tuveren Manor lies just outside town. Longstanding rivals of House Beckett.

Family members

Duchess Portia

(human, LN, 49): A ruthless politician, Duchess Portia is the current Speaker of the Council of Estia, the second youngest person to ever hold that office. She received her education at the School of Rhetoric and Oratory in Greystone, graduating with distinction. She was quickly appointed Grand Emissary, a job she held until her mother died and she became head of her house. She is married to Duke Raymond.

In addition to being Duchess of Estia, she is also Countess of Owl Rock. She has ensured that Owl Rock prospers while she is Speaker, cementing her already broad support there.

She is a slightly overweight woman who dresses in expensive silk gowns and stolas. Her shoulder-length hair is dark, but it is starting to show a few grey hairs.

Duke Raymond

Duke Raymond was born as Lord Raymond Keswick. He met his wife, Duchess Portia, at the School of Rhetoric and Oratory in Greystone, where he studied to be a bard. He is an expert lute player. Raymond does not share his wife's penchant for politics, and he has performed several faux pas at official functions.

Lord Remus

(human, CG, 21): Only son of Duchess Portia and Duke Raymond. Has a covert relationship with Lady Julianna Beckett, which neither of their parents would ever approve of.


(human, LN, 48): Older brother of Duchess Portia. Abandoned his title and became a monk on Kiniden.

Manor Tuveren

Manor Tuveren lies at the topmost terrace of Owl Rock.