The Estian Bulletin

The Bulletin is a daily newspaper, the biggest in Estia. it publishes events from around the archipelago, but with a focus on the larger cities of the League. It is controlled by House Tuveren, and is a powerful asset in their political aims.

The divide between editorial content and advertisement is not very clear, and many articles are thinly veiled endorsements of products or services. This earns the paper much gold, as a well-placed article can bring much business.


The Bulletin's head office is located in Covenant, and this is also where it is printed. The newsroom is very loud, with the mechanical printing press stationed in the center of the octagonal building.


The Bulletin has reporters in every major settlement of the League, and also employs correspondants in Tel Edhil and Solstice.

Penrose Scrapsnap

(gnome, TN): Editor-in-chief of the Bulletin. He worked his way up from the mailroom over three decades.

Sophia Blackwood

(human, NG): Reporter at the Bulletin. Sophia has written several stories about abuses of power commited by powerful people, which has made her several powerful enemies.

Jameson Rook

(human, LN): Investigative reporter at the Bulletin. He has written several pieces about crimes that have been solved (or at least avenged) by the "Crimson Fury", a masked vigilante.

Good filler content:

  • Ads for businesses, coupons
  • Contact ads
  • Poll results (44% of polled citizens favor outlawing Enchantment magic...)
  • Puff pieces and celebrity gossip
  • Announcements of births, deaths, marriages, betrothals, bankruptcies...
  • Corrections of earlier (humorous) mistakes
  • "Famous adventurer dies/kills x/retires/..."

Councillor Fisticuffs?

Per an unconfirmed rumor, Jarl Murkla Greatbraid and Count Lucian of Cotten­horn almost came to blows during a closed council session. Cont. p. 3