


Dominant culture: Agrarian

Patron deity: Idun

Lilyharbor is a town on Cottenhorn that lies on the coast about a days ride south of Heimdall's Anvil. It is surrounded by flowing hills dotted with vineyards. Many halflings live here, working the fertile lands around the town.

Lilyharbor, as its name suggests, has a natural harbor. Many ship captains prefer to dock here instead of in Heimdall's Anvil, and the road between the two settlements is very busy with carts goods and raw materials going both ways.

The town is famous for its wine, but also trades lumber from the large Mapleweald forest that lies south of it, and fish from the ocean.


Most houses in Lilyharbor are wooden, with different scales depending on who lives there.

Lilyharbor Town Hall

This is where the business of the town is done. The building lies by the town square, and has a high steeple.

Mayor Lynn Windbloom

(halfling, LN, 53): The Mayor of Lilyharbor is appointed by Count Lucian, who rules the land. Mayor Lynn is strict but fair, and used to be a trader of wine.

The Emerald Snake

Modest inn

The Snake is located right beside the Town Hall, and caters to both locals and travelers. They have rooms for rent, and a large wine cellar which they keep well stocked with local wines.

The common room is outfitted in bright woods, and above the bar a 20-foot long sculpture of a green serpent has been mounted. The eyes of the serpent are two small emeralds, which on more than one occasion have been the target of drunken robbery attempts.

Sharmonor nan Cohornae

(wood elf, NG, 99): Proprietor of the Snake. Loves wine.

Grove of Idun

A narrow and winding path up a seaside cliff leads to a lush grove of hallowed apple trees dedicated to Idun, the god of Prosperity and Winemaking. Ceremonies are held here often to ensure a bountiful harvest. It is a beautiful place that overlooks the ocean, and is a popular spot for eloping couples to get married at.

Florence Applecup

(halfling, CG, 41): Cleric of Idun and attendant of the grove.

The Boomdust Company

Just outside the city proper lies the Boomdust Company, the only place in the Estian Sea where boomdust is made. The company is wholly owned and controlled by the FTC. The process used to make boomdust is secret - all that is known for sure is that the process uses vitriol extracted from the hot springs that surround Heimdall's Anvil.

The FTC has several dozen armed guards here who prevent both the secret process and the resulting explosives from falling into the wrong hands. The boomdust made here is loaded onto ships from a covered pier and taken to Greystone.

Leticia Marcion

(human, LE, 41): Foreman of the factory. She ensures that delivery quotas are met in time, and she is willing to take any action needed to do so.

Chateau Azurebark

Home of the Azurebark family, who makes some of the finest wines in the Estian Islands. Their estate lies nestled in a valley whose sides are covered in grapevines. They age their vines in large oak casks that are stored in a natural cave below their house.

Cornelius Azurebark

(halfling, TN, 78): Master winemaker, who learnt his craft from his parents. While his work has made him a wealthy man, he is a perfectionist and is not yet satisfied with his product.

Willow Azurebark

(halfling, CG, 38): Daughter of Cornelius, and heir to the estate.