
Vanadis (God's Haven in elvish) is controlled by the Pilgrim Knights, who use it as their base of operations. A mountain range divides the island in two. The northwestern part is fertile farmland, and home to the city of Solstice. The southern part, around the Whitepond lake, is a barren hillscape where few people live.


A majority-elven town built around natural hot springs. The land around Astael is some of the most fertile farmland in the Estian Sea. The town is known for raising the fastest and strongest horses available to buy.

Celdan Tartiriex

(wood elf, NG, 140): Master horse tamer. His best horses are usually bought by the Pilgrim Knights, but some are on the open market, where they fetch very high prices. He rides Saevir, a midnight black fullblooded stallion.


A small fishing village.


At the edge of the Gloommire, the village of Middlemire is a small peat-farming community.

Sweyn Cragbreeze

(dwarf, TN): Owner of the Dragon's Blood Firewater distillery. The stills in the distillery are fuelled with peat from the Gloommire. The spirits are aged for many years in barrels that are buried in the mire, which for some unknown reasons turns them dark crimson, hence the name.

Leah's Grove

This remote grove was founded by Leah Greenleaf, a halfling druid of the sun. She teaches other of similar persuasion here. The druids are not members of the Pilgrim Knights, but their purposes are usually aligned. Except for during the summer solstice, there are rarely more than a handful of druids here at any one time.

Leah Greenleaf

(halfling druid, NG): A powerful archdruid. While she does not look more than 60, she is well over 300 years old, sustained by her druidic powers.

Glimmerstone Quarry

Discovered only after the Pilgrim Knights gained control over Vanadis, the Glimmerstone Quarry is a source of gold and gems of various types. Heavily guarded, this mine has become an important source of wealth for the Pilgrims.


Beyond the town of Stonegrave, the Lighthills open up.

The Whitepond

On the eastern side of Vanadis, which is largely uninhabited, lies a large lake, named for the white marble that dominates the landscape around it. It is large enough that one cannot see the other side from the shore, and a rapidly flowing river connects it to the sea.

The Hoofmoot

The Cliffstride clan, a nomadic tribe of centaurs who roam the rocky grassland keeps call their caravan the Hoofmoot. They wander with the seasons around the Whitepond, whose waters they consider holy.

Chieftain Rhozi

(centaur druid, ln): Chieftain of the Cliffstride clan. Wise and old, he is a capable druid whose leadership has served the Cliffstride well for many decades.

Hill giants

Grandmaster's Rest

A large glowoak stands over the entrance to the subterranean tomb that is the burial site of Nicholas Lighthallow, who was Grandmaster of the Pilgrim Knights when they were granted the island of Vanadis. A small shrine here is manned by charitors, and several other high-ranking Pilgrims are buried here.

Paladins of Devotion, possibly undeads

The Blasted Forest

In the depths of the forest, no animals are heard and all the trees have been flattened in a radial pattern. At the center lies an ever-smoking rock of strange material.

Radiation? Aberrations? Demons?