
These words have a defined meaning in the elvish language. Some of these are borrowed from other sources, primarily Tolkien, others are invented. Generally follows the Tolkien pronunciation, especially most initial 'C's are hard.

This list is mainly for deriving names of people and locations, and as such has far more nouns and adjectives than verbs.


NanOf/fromMost elves names take the form 'Firstname nan Birthplace', eg Queen Caerynna nan Iacaris
-ie(n), -ith, -fina-General feminine name suffix, ex Tenelie, 'Silver' or Iacelien, 'Precious Tree'
-a, an(n)a, -yn(n)a-bornFeminine name suffix, ex Caerynna, 'Law-woman' or Virana, 'Flower-woman'
-wen/wynLadyEspecially as a feminine name suffix, ex Silwen, 'Star-lady' or Harwyn, 'Wise-Lady'
-o, -or, -on, -en, -ir-General masculine name suffix, ex Meren, 'Mountain' or Rhillono, 'Cold River'.
-as, -ath, -oth-Masculine name suffix, ex Aeniath ('Moon-man'), or Tuath ('Honorable-Man')
-(d)an-bornMasculine name suffix, ex Sildan, 'Star' or Aelviran, 'Blue Flower'.
-var, -weLordMasculine name suffix, ex: Aruvar, 'Golden Lord' or Melvar, 'Strong Lord'
-el, -al, -es, -(i)on-General location suffix, cf Maeral, 'Mountainous Place',
-enTheDefinite article suffix
-e-Plural suffix
-i-Genitive and demonymic suffix, ex: Iacarisi, Maerali
-(i)exUser/maker (of)Not a name suffix, but common in bynames. Eg Aerilex, 'Fire-user' (Pyromancer), Briniex, 'Cloth-maker' (Weaver)
HalaSky/heavenHaldar, Halanna, bynames such as Halador, 'Sky-watcher'
ArGold/YellowNames such as Aruvar, 'Golden Lord' or Armalien, 'Little Golden Woman'
TenelSilver/whiteNames such as Tenelaenor, 'Silver Moon'
AelBlue/Sapphirecf placenames such as Alyn Aelon, 'Blueharbor'
AdhoPurple/pinkNames such as Adhyna, Adhovar, Adherilie
AvaDeath/deadRarely used in given names
TindoMagic/runeAerilindo (Fire-magic), byname for wizard
AerilFireNames such as Aerilwyn and Aerior
NilStorm/lightningNilteril, 'Storm Master' byname of a wizard
SinWaterSinien, Sindan
IonSteel/metalSilionbar, 'Star-steel sword'
BaenStoneBaenor, Baesicatil, 'Stone-eye-beast' (Basilisk)
RhoSneaky/silentRhoatil, 'Sneaky-beast' (Displacer Beast), Rhositer, 'Silent-sword', byname for a rogue or ranger
RisIslandcf Iacaris, 'Beloved Island'
TelCityPlace name prefix for larger settlements, cf Tel Edhil, 'Serene City'
AlynHarborPlace name prefix for inhabited places by water
AmbarCastle/FortressPlace name prefix, Ambar Tenelcel, 'Silver Oak Palace'
CaelHouseCan be used as a place name prefix, especially for large estates, cf Avacael 'Death-house' (mausoleum), Cael Arbrintirel, the seat of house Arbrintirel
DisSafety/shelterPlacenames such as Vanadis, 'God's Haven'; names such as Disor and Disyna.
DorWatcher/guardcf Rathdore, the 'Wardens'
-ol/-iel(a)God/GoddessLuthieladris, 'Temple of the Sun Goddess (Freya)'
AtaDragonex Rhilatatirel, 'Ice Dragon Master', byname for someone who slew a white dragon
AtilBeastAtila, Atilor, many bynames among druids, such as Atildin, 'Beast-child' and Atiltirel, 'Beast-master'
OranGiantBoth as an augmentative, and as a name for the monsters, such as Rhiloran 'Cold-giant'
TirelMaster (of)Many bynames, such as Tindotirel 'Magic-master/Wizard' or Mentirel, 'Ship-master/Captain'
BelServant (of)Caerbelo, 'Servant of Law'
CelTreeex Celedor (Tree-guard), byname for a powerful druid
VirFlowerArvirwyn, 'Golden flower lady'
MalSmall/shortGeneral diminutive, Malsiter, 'Short-spear', byname
ImoLarge/tallAlso general augmentative, Imotanaë, 'High Nobility', Imaerdris, 'Tall Mountain Shrine', Imon, 'Tower' or 'Spire'
MithLightweightcf Mithril, 'Light-armor'
GalSpeed/quickex Galbar, 'Quick Sword', byname for someone skilled in combat
TarGood/kind'Good' as in not evil
LarEvil/unkindLaressa, 'Unkind-woman'
IunaTime/age/oldcf Alyn Iunaes, 'Old Harbor'
NirnSoul/spiritNirnynna, Nirnevar, bynames such as Nirnatil, 'Spirit-beast'
IsneGlass/gem/clearcf Isnelon, 'Clearstream', Isniex, 'Glass-blower'
ErilHairHatherilie, 'Dark-haired Woman', Aererilo, 'Fire-haired Man'
SicEyeArsicelie, 'Golden-eyed woman', Thalsicëor 'Beautiful-eyed man'
NythWildVirnyrie, 'Wild-flower-woman'
SirFeather/birdHathasir, 'Black-feather', Aerilsir, 'Fire-bird' (Phoenix)
AlarCrest/plumecf Tanalar, 'Noble Plume', byname for a knight, Viralaren, 'The Flower Crest', a sect of druids
ElyDawncf Elyana, 'Dawn-born woman'
VanaGodcf Vanir
FaeFeycf Faerath, 'Feywild' ('Realm of the Fey')
TirElfex Imotire, 'High Elves', 'Thartire', 'Wood Elves'
SanaHumanCan affix gendered name suffixes to indicate gender and status, ex Sanwyn, 'Human Lady'
AesiDwarfcf Aesir. Can affix gendered name suffixes to indicate gender and status, ex Aesor, 'Dwarf Man'
DinChild (of)ex Vanadine, 'Mortals' ('Children of the Gods'), Faedine, 'Eladrin', names such as Sildinia, 'Daughter of the Stars', Eldinor, 'Son of the Dawn'
BarSword (short)Dagger, knife, other short bladed weapons
SiterSword (long)Rapiers, greatswords and other long bladed weapons, cf Elsiter, 'Dawn-sword'
AsarSpearcf Eliasar, 'Dawn-spear (Dawnrender)'
IrilArmorSomewhat corrupted in Mithril, 'Light-armor'
AstaMist/fogAstor, Astanna
DrisShrine/templeImladris, 'Large Hidden Shrine'
LadreHide/hiddenMaladrethar, 'Small Hidden Garden'
HitaeTravel/journeyDrisitae, 'Pilgrim', ('Shrine-traveler')
M(a)erMountaincf Maeral, 'Mountain-place', or the Rhimere, 'Cold Mountains', which are sometimes tautologically rendered as 'Rhimer Peaks' on maps in common
LaethPoem/songex Gallaeth, 'Quick-song', byname for an elvish noble family
NaiBrave/loyalex Naiwend, 'Loyal Protector'
MinGraceMinan, Miniel
Tu(o)Honor(able)Tuwen, Tuovar
CilLove/LoverSanacil, 'Human-lover', derogatory term for an elf who marries a human among elf purists, but also names such as Vircilie, 'Flower-lover' and Cilor
FalPoison/venomFalmon, 'Snake'
RathRealm/planeex Rath Aerilor, 'Plane of Fire', Rath Nirnen, 'Hel' or metaphorically 'Afterlife', Rath Estiae, 'Estian League'
WelaBloodWelamon, 'Vampire' ('Blood-tooth'), Welatindo, 'Blood Magic'
CristDestroy/maimex Wendcrist, 'Shield-splitter'
YaOne/firstYadin, 'first-born'
SerTwo/secondSersiter, 'double-bladed scimitar' ('Two-sword')
CorOrder/organizationEspecially druidic circles, and usually in the plural, core. Ex Aeniencore, 'Circle of the Moon' and Tharaerilcore, 'Circle of Wildfire*

Words needed:

  • Titles (noble, military...)
    • King/Queen
  • Wine
  • Far/close
  • Heart
  • Rain

Common compound words

The literal translation of these words may differ from the actual common meaning. The names of the gods are not usually replacements for their actual names, but rather used as bynames or kennings, much like how Freya is known as the Lightgiver.

TindolvarOdinlit 'Rune-god-lord'
LuthielFreyalit 'Sun-goddess'
IondolHeimdalllit 'Steel-god'
TharielSkadilit 'Forest-goddess'
EdhilcindolAegirlit 'Calm-sea-god'
MelnidolThorlit 'Strong-storm-god'
CaerwynielSiflit 'Law-lady-goddess'
GalbardolTyrlit 'Quick-sword-god'
LaethiredolBalderlit 'Poem-master-god'
DoreidolUllerlit 'Archer-god'
MinielIdunlit 'Graceful-goddess'
AvarielHellit 'Darkness-watcher-goddess'
SaeviredolLokilit 'Night-master-god'
TenelcelSilver Oaklit 'Silver Tree', a variety of very large trees that often hold elven dwellings
DrisitaePilgrimlit 'Shrine-traveler', also Drisitadore, 'Pilgrim Knights'
MentirelCaptainlit 'Ship-master', not a military rank
IonataëMetallic dragonslit 'Steel-dragons'
MonetaëChromatic dragonslit 'Teeth-dragons'
TanwenNoblewomanUsed as a honorific for woman whose name you do not know
TanavarNoblemanUsed as a honorific for man whose name you do not know
SilionSky Ironlit 'Star-steel'
NilisneAmberlit 'Storm-gem'
LuthisneLuxitelit 'Light-gem'
HathisneNoxitelit 'Darkness-gem'
AdonionAshresinlit 'Ash-steel'
VanasanoHalf-elf manlit 'Elf-human-man'
VanasanieHalf-elf womanlit 'Elf-human-woman'

Names and bynames

Elven first names are formed by appending gendered suffixes to other words. Common masculine suffixes include -or, -en, -var. Common feminine suffixes include -ien, -ian, -wyn. Last names are more complicated, with most only using nan and the place of their birth, or upbringing, such as nan Maeral. Some individuals might take a byname, such as Galbar, 'Quick sword', and a child might use either parents byname. It is considered a great honor to have a byname given to you, especially by someone higher in rank.

bynames are not gendered, and are in most cases a description of the person or an act they did to earn it. Common bynames are those that describe profession (Teldor, 'City Guard' or Alyntirel, 'Harbormaster') or physical characteristics (Areril, 'Golden-hair').

An individual can earn several bynames, but usually pick one to use in less formal settings. A high ranking noble might have two or three different bynames, but usually only give one of their bynames to their offspring. As an example, the Queen of Iacaris is Caerynna Hathador Tindotirel nan Iacaris, literally 'Law-woman Darkness-shield Magic-master from the Beloved Island'. She has several other bynames, but these are usually only on documents in her name.

Some elves who have earned a bynames sometimes use a common translation of their byname when among non-elves, but this is not universal. This practice is more common among half-elves. For example, an elven seeress named Curel Silador might introduce herself as Curel Starwatcher when she meets a non-elf, especially one of higher percieved rank than her. If the non-elf knows elvish, it is a sign of respect to greet her back using the elvish version.

As an example, consider a newborn male elf who is named Hathor nan Estia ('Dark one from Estia') due to his dark hair and place of birth. Later in life he is given the byname Melwend ('Strong shield') after saving his commander's life in battle. Afterwards he would introduce himself as Hathor Melwend or Hathor Melwend nan Estia (more formal). When he has a daughter Hathor names her Thalcinien (Beautiful Sea). She would use her fathers byname as Thalcinien Melwend (nan Estia). If Thalcinien were to earn her own byname, she would probably replace that of her father. Sometimes, bynames are amended with -din, meaning 'child of'. This is more commonly done for the most prestigious bynames, such as those granted by royalty. Many noble families have a byname such as this from the founder of their dynasty, although it might not be what they are primarily known as.

Notes on grammar

Nouns are pluralised by the suffix -e, such as in lone, 'rivers', or cele, 'trees'. This suffix does not form a diphthong, which is marked as if necessary. If the word already ends in e, the suffix takes the form -ne. Ex: The plural of drisitae, 'pilgrim' is drisitaene.

Adjectives are concatenated before the modified noun, such as cialdris, 'golden temple'. Almost all nouns can be used as adjectives. Several adjectives can be stacked, cf Tencelethar, 'Silver Oaks Garden'.

Elven words sometimes elide or add letters when concatenating words, especially if the ending of one part is the beginning of the next. A river translated as Sunstream might be spelled Luthilon or Luthon, depending on dialect and other factors.


PhonemeSounds likeExamplePronunciation